
The Date of the Fourth Stage in Face-to-Face Education Has Been Announced

According to the backstage information obtained by Burak Çelik from Sabah Newspaper, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th graders are expected to start face-to-face training 2 days a week after 23 November. In addition, 5th and 9th grades will start face-to-face education on 2 November.

The second phase of the face-to-face training, which started on October 12, will begin in the third phase on November 2. During the pandemic period, one of the most discussed topics face-to-face training According to the backstage information obtained by Burak Çelik from the relevant Sabah Newspaper 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th grades will start face-to-face education from 23 November.

Minister of education Ziya Selcukstated that the number of cases did not increase in schools the other day, and that classes were safer than places outside. In this process, it was thought that students who still did not start face-to-face education would go to schools soon. According to the information obtained by Sabah newspaper, this date will take place next month.

Will be 2 days a week

Face-to-face training in 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th grades as in other grades according to the information and predictions 2 days a week will be limited. Currently, no statement has been made by the Ministry of National Education regarding the fourth stage of face-to-face education, which is known to start on November 23.

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Ministry of Health Science Board, November 16‘Rise up cases that occur in the course of Turkey in general cases and the results of face to face training Ministry of Educationwill notify. According to these data, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th grades, who still cannot start face-to-face education in the absence of a negative opinion regarding the risk of epidemics, will start receiving education in schools on 23 November.


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5th and 9th grades start face-to-face education on 2 November

However, the Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk, to opening date In his statement regarding, “Our President, in the third stage of our transition to face-to-face education, has just started secondary school and high school; He also shared the good news that our 5th and 9th grade students, who have not yet reached their schools, will start face-to-face education as of November 2. Now, we have started face-to-face education in pre-school, all grade levels of primary schools, village schools, students with special needs, preparatory classes and 8th and 12th grades. We hope that we can bring our students at all other levels together with their schools, teachers and friends as soon as possible and start face-to-face education.He used expressions.


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Statement by the President on Face-to-Face Education in Universities

Stating that the participation rates of students in schools are extremely high, Minister Selçuk said, “YThere is a participation close to the 80’s. I can say that this participation is above our expectations. Now, in general, above 70 percent at all levels; but in some it reaches 90 percent, in some it remains at 75 percent; but there is nearly 80 percent participation” said.

Source : Schools-When-When-Opening-How-To-Grades-Go-To-School

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