
The Allegation that the USA Is Pressing Huawei to European Countries

Trying to slow its rivals in order to maintain its technological superiority, the USA has been accused of pressuring European countries not to use Huawei. Huawei is struggling to bypass restrictions.

One of the companies most affected by the trade wars between the USA and China Huawei is coming. The Chinese technology giant, which is experiencing difficult times due to the restrictions imposed by the US administration, 5G technology It continues its work on its subject at full speed.

The USA has restricted the firm’s access to semiconductor equipment and US companies to do business with Huawei he banned. White House administration to European countries Anti huawei accused of pressuring them to make decisions.

Pressure from the USA to Europe

Speaking to the Austrian newspaper Kurier Abraham Liu, Huawei’s vice president of Europemobile telecommunications equipment and smartphone manufacturer, said in a statement that millions of users Google and Android He said that he was looking for a solution to overcome the trouble he faced with his ban.

Due to the US semiconductor ban Can’t work with US suppliersStating that the situation has worsened since August, Liu told the United States chip manufacturers. by blackmail blamed. According to Liu, the purpose of the prints is to help companies break ties with Huawei.


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Washington management watching customers and other countries for spying on behalf of China was blaming. These allegations were clearly and firmly denied by both the technology manufacturer and the Beijing administration.

Huawei 5G continues to work

huawei europe

Liu, European customers In the 5G industry He said they hoped they could continue to serve. He cited the numerous preparations and investments already made as the reason for this thought.


Huawei shares a photo thought to be the first photo taken with the Mate 40 Pro camera

From the perspective of personal customers smartphone owners Stating that he was experiencing great difficulties, the Huawei manager said that there are 90 million Huawei users in Europe. For this reason, he stated that the absence of Android updates from Google made these people quite difficult.

Saying that the company is not a foreigner to Europe, Liu said that the reason for America’s moves was The success of Chinese manufacturers showed. In some countries, with the effect of US pressures, companies NOKIA.HE It was stated that they preferred the infrastructure. In general, the company’s activities are heavily audited. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Huawei will be removed from the 5G network by 2027.

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