
Sürat Kargo Receives COVID-19 Measure Certificate

Covidien-Speed ​​Cargo holds 19 despite strict measures, RoyalCert Turkey by TVRM (transmittable virus Risk Management) was rewarded with a certificate.

Sürat Kargo, thanks to the measures taken during the COVID-19 outbreak TVRM (Transmittable Virus Risk Management) certificate Alan became the world’s first cargo company. The certificate in question is an indication that Sürat Kargo has taken all measures against the pandemic.

TVRM RoyalCert Turkey for submission of certificates Certification and Inspection Services performed by the statements made at the press conference Sürat Kargo took the COVID-19 measures at the maximum level. The world and our country are going through an extraordinary process. We are trying to take our steps in accordance with this process and carry our company to the future. “ expressions were used.

RoyalCert Turkey Chairman Alphen is notorious the said certificate regarding the said in a statement TVRM received program against infectious all the risks from human to human measures contained meat and RoyalCert when reporting initiated by Germany, the program Continuing in 40 countries underlined and spoke as follows:

Sürat Cargo, the first company in the logistics sector to receive this certificate. While granting this certificate, all end-to-end criteria from quality management to occupational health safety and environmental management are evaluated. In addition, issues such as hygiene, masks and distance against COVID-19 are monitored. “

Source : certification of-alan-ilk-kargo-sirketi-oldu-3571515

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