
IPhone 12 falls behind iPad Air 4 in AnTuTu

A screenshot that suggests that the iPhone 12 shows the AnTuTu score shows that the device lags behind the iPad Air 4 in performance. According to some claims, the main reason for this situation is the low battery capacity of the iPhone 12.

Apple introduced last week iPhone 12 familyAlthough it was opened for pre-order, it has not reached its owners yet. Despite this, the AnTuTu result of the mid-range model of the series, iPhone 12, was leaked and the device’s performance was compared with the iPad Air 4, which has the same A14 Bionic processor.

The battery capacity of the iPhone 12 has been revealed recently, and the low battery capacity was expected to seriously affect performance, which seems to have happened. For leaked AnTuTu According to its score, the iPhone 12 has a lower performance than the iPad Air 4, although it has the same processor.

AnTuTu scores for iPhone 12 and iPad Air 4


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As you can see in the screenshots above, the iPhone 12 is 17 percent weaker in overall performance, 9.5 percent in CPU and 30 percent in GPU compared to iPad Air 4. Both devices compared 4 GB RAM, 256 GB internal storage Let’s say that he owns the field.

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When we expand the comparison a little more and include the iPhone 11 Pro, the power of the A14 chipset shows itself more clearly. Both iPhone 12 and iPad Air 4 manage to outpace the iPhone 11 Pro, powered by the previous generation A13 Bionic processor, in almost all categories. We say almost because iPhone 12 lags behind iPhone 11 Pro in GPU performance.

AnTuTu comparison of iPhone 12, iPhone 11 Pro and iPad Air 4

iphone 12 iphone 11 pro ipad air 4


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So why does the iPhone 12 score significantly lower than the iPad Air 4 despite having the same processor? Estimates are that Apple’s A14 Bionic processor in iPhone 12 due to low battery capacity. reduces frequency speed towards. Still, it’s important to remember that all these numbers are synthetic tests, and the actual user experience will come when the devices are available for sale.

You can watch the videos below, where we explain all the details about the iPhone 12 family and 5 reasons why you should not buy the iPhone 12.

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