
SU-57, Used Without Cockpit Roof, Becomes the Agenda in Russia

An interesting incident occurred during the test flight of the SU-57 warplane. One fighter pilot used this new aircraft without a roof. The Department of Defense did not explain why such a thing was done when sharing footage of the flight. Experts believe that the pilot was dressed in a special suit so that he would not die.

Russia has been a new fighter jet SU-57busy with ‘s. Developed with the latest war technologies, the aircraft has remarkable features. The test flights of the aircraft, which are slowly being used, continue. A very interesting image appeared in a test flight of the fighter plane recently. A pilot in the images shared by the Russian Ministry of Defense, without cockpit roof his flight was included.

One of the most critical parts of warplanes is the ceiling that surrounds the cockpit. Under high speeds your pilot freezes preventing death the section offers a fairly wide field of view. In addition, the most important condition for a pilot to escape from a crashed warplane is a stage. Here is a crazy Russian pilot, such a critical piece without made a remarkable flight.

Here is the SU-57 that flies without a roof lining

Any statement regarding this image shared by the Russian Defense Ministry did not. In other words, we do not have any information about the altitude, speed and purpose of the flight in question. Experts believe this flight may have been meant to test the procedures the pilot had to follow before launch. Also, according to the experts, the pilot probably used the low temperature to avoid dying at those unnoticeable She wore a special dress.


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Stunning Images of Warplanes at Thousands of Meters Height (Video)

Russia’s new fighter jet SU-57, on the hour Speed ​​up to 2,440 kilometers can reach. In addition, the Russians can use a ballistic missile called Kinzhal, which has nuclear capabilities, in this warplane. The most striking feature of this missile is that it can exceed the speed of sound by about 10 times. Russia, this fighter jet and the next generation ballistic missiles seems like he wants to become a point guard in the sky.

Here is that image of the SU-57 flying without a roof covering

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