
Electric Cars Developed by Turkish Students Burned Down

The electric motor car ECOTRON-4, produced as a result of 2 years of work within Gaziantep University, surrendered to the flames. The vehicle, which became unusable after the fire, also took away the students’ savings. A student stated that the fire was caused by a short circuit in the battery.

The electric motor vehicle, which was developed by the students of Gaziantep University Automobile, Robotics and Energy Community in 2 years and received awards in various competitions, unfortunately burned down. “ECOTRON-4The fire that broke out on the electrical parts of the vehicle named “” could not be extinguished despite all the efforts. became unavailable.

Statements on the subject were made by one of the students, Ali Alper Korkmaz, who is the developer of the project. Korkmaz with ECOTRON-4 Teknofest 2020He also said that they participated in TUBITAK and also got a degree in some competitions of TUBITAK. The cause of the fire occurred in the battery short circuit Korkmaz said that they felt great sadness as a team.

This is how the ECOTRON-4 looked before it burned

Korkmaz, after the fire, nothing not left told. The university student, who stated that a team of 80 people has been working for ECOTRON-4 for 2 years, that there is ash stated. After the fire, the sadness of all the students who contributed to the project could be read from their faces.


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Melih Burak Albayram, another of the project members, caught the vehicle due to the fire. garage he said they took it outside. Expressing that all electrical parts, battery, design and everything else turned to ash after the fire, Albayram said that his 15 years of knowledge you are going stressed.

This is how the ECOTRON-4’s state after the fire was reflected in the cameras


Source :ği-iki-yilda-gelistirdigi-araba-yandi-41659608

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