
Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 in Turkey: Here Price

2 Samsung Galaxy Fit’s new generation of smart wristbands were sold in Turkey. Galaxy Fit 2, which has a very affordable price tag, offers almost every feature that users expect from a smart bracelet.

South Korean technology giant Samsung, the new generation smart bracelet Galaxy Fit2’Y offered for sale in Turkey. Galaxy Fit2 is aimed at those who want to keep track of their health and exercise information regularly and who want to control their controls such as music player and notification without the need for a smartphone, and has a relatively affordable price tag.

1.1 inch AMOLED Offering 126 x 294 resolution on its screen, Galaxy Fit2 offers a larger screen than the 0.95-inch screen Galaxy Fit. In addition, 70 different home screen themes on the device provide users with a customized experience. The smart bracelet, which has a 159 mAh battery, according to Samsung’s claim, on a single charge up to three weeks of use offers.

Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 calories burned, heart rate, distance traveled during the day and sleep patterns is constantly following. As you can imagine, you can also get information about different exercise and health activities through Galaxy Fit 2.

galaxy fit 2

Samsung, a global, $ 60 price tag is determined that the price Turkey Galaxy Fit 2 299 TRY has explained as. Moreover, the Galaxy Fit 2 is already on some popular e-commerce sites. 279 TRY It is possible to find such discount prices. Let’s also mention that the Galaxy Fit2 has only black and red color options.

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