
Samsung Display Improves Double-Fold Display

Samsung Display announced that it is working on a smartphone screen that can be folded twice. While it is not known how durable the design will be, which is different from what we have seen so far, it is still a mystery when we will meet the phones that will work with this screen panel.

The smartphone industry has been trying to adopt foldable screen designs for a while. In this context, Huawei and Samsung Companies such as, have already launched their foldable screen phones. Moreover, it continues to work for such phones. Recent statements by Samsung Display, the company’s will be folded twice reveals that he is working on a smart phone.

We have seen foldable screen phones as they can be folded horizontally or vertically until today. The new design that Samsung Display is working on is the phone on the vertical coordinate plane reveals that it can be folded twice. In other words, users will meet with a three-part phone in the future. But this phone technically It’s too early to talk about what to offer.

Samsung Display’s new screen design looks like this

Samsung Display’s new foldable display approach compared to many designs advantage seems to have. Because this type of phone can also reach tablet sizes if desired. In this way, users will be able to experience the phone and tablet experience much better than the Galaxy Z Fold. However, a screen that can be folded twice durability How it will be in terms of situation is a big mystery for now.


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Samsung Display does not show any information regarding the foldable screen technology it is working on. timeline did not explain. However, it is now clear that the company is working on a screen that will double, and that the South Korean technology giant Samsung will come up with a phone with this type of screen. The foldable screen is not yet unacceptable We will continue to understand how consumers will react to this type of phone over time.

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