
“Karahantepe is Probably Older than Göbeklitepe”

In a new post about Karahantepe, Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy stated that although it is not confirmed, Karahantepe is probably an older settlement than Göbeklitepe.

Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, located in Sanliurfa, 46 kilometers from the city center Karahantepe made remarkable statements about. Stating that excavations are continuing in the said archaeological site, Minister Ersoy stated that there are more than 250 obelisks so far.

As a result of the archaeological excavations that have been going on for 2 years in Karahantepe, Contemporary with Göbeklitepe scientifically proven to be. However, Minister Ersoy, “In Karahantepe, we have not received the final confirmation, but we will probably have reached an older excavation center (from Göbeklitepe)” Using his statements, he said that the structures in Karahantepe could be the oldest ruins of Anatolian civilizations.

Ministry of Culture and Tourism regarding the excavations carried out this year in Karahantepe. official release in the coming days expected to do. Head of Karahantepe Excavation Prof. Dr. Necmi Karul made the following statements regarding the ongoing excavations to reveal the Anatolian heritage:

“Our Ministry is very excited about the Karahantepe excavations. Therefore, I find it appropriate to inform them about the excavation results themselves. This year we have found very important finds highlighting human symbolism. Sculptures, we discovered new buildings.

The head of the statue in the short film shown by our Minister is quite interesting. 50 cm diameter statue head carved into bedrock. Again, we found structures carved into the bedrock around it. The rituals around and new information about the excavation will be announced by our ministry in the coming days.

The video shared by Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy for Karahantepe

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