
Robotalks on YouTube 10-11 October

The Robotalks event, which will be held online by the METU Robotics Community this year due to the pandemic, will be broadcast live on YouTube on October 10-11.

With a 20-year history Middle East Technical University (METU) Robotics Societycarried out regularly every year. Robotalksthis year due to the pandemic 10-11 October It will be held online and will host its participants with its distinguished speakers.

Robotalks live broadcasts, which will be continued with live broadcasts on YouTube, will start both on Saturday, October 10 and Sunday, October 11, at 14:00. The main issue of the event this year is becoming even more important with the introduction of 5G and the development of artificial intelligence. ‘Medical and Robotics‘ it will be.

Will take place on October 10 ‘Medical and Micro Robots‘The guest of the live broadcast, Dr. While I was Ceren Law; It will take place on October 11. ‘A Surgical Robot System: NeuRoboScope‘The guest of the live broadcast is Assoc. Dr. Mehmet İsmet Can Dede will be.

For more information about both METU Robotics Community and this year’s Robotalks event You can visit the website. Also to attend the Robotalks event here You can reach the YouTube channel of METU Robotics Community by clicking.

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