
OnePlus Watch Won’t Use Google’s Wear OS Platform

It was claimed that OnePlus, one of the most remarkable technology manufacturers of recent times, will not choose Google’s Wear OS operating system in its smart watch, which is expected to be introduced soon. The company is expected to include its own special operating system on the watch.

It launched earlier this year OnePlus Nord OnePlus, the Chinese technology company that started to produce middle-class smartphones with its model, continues to exist in other sectors. In this context OnePlus TV and OnePlus Buds The Chinese manufacturer, which is active in different fields of technology, has recently smart hour also plans to enter the industry.

OnePlus Watch The smart watch, which was previously known as Google’s Wear OS It was said to run the operating system. According to the leaked German blogger Max Jambora, the OnePlus Watch is designed for Google’s wearable devices. Will not use the Wear operating system.

OnePlus can choose its own proprietary operating system on its smartwatch:

Many manufacturers, especially those based in China, have better control of their smart watches. special operating with systems This news was not surprising, as they released it. At this point, we can assume that OnePlus will follow a similar path and launch its smartwatch with its own proprietary operating system.

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On the other hand, it does not have the Wear OS operating system, it can be used with smartphones or With the Android ecosystem It doesn’t mean it won’t work in harmony. In other words, OnePlus Watch owners will continue to pair their devices with their smart watches and use them in a compatible way. But work application When it comes to its side, we will see how OnePlus will follow here.


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It remains unclear when OnePlus will launch its new smartwatch, which attracts great attention. Previous claims, the smart watch OnePlus 8T It claimed that it could be released alongside the series, but as you can imagine, these claims were also unfounded. New predictions will be introduced in the first months of next year. With OnePlus 9 series to be announced together.

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