
Armament Increases in Autonomous Deadly Robots

According to experts, the autonomous deadly weapons we see in Hollywood movies are becoming more and more common. The control of these weapons is getting harder day by day.

Deadly robots in most Hollywood movies or science fiction dystopias, or autonomous systems We see. On the other hand, these technologies are not just imaginary things that we will encounter in such a distant future. Maybe we won’t see a terminator, but there are other autonomous weapons.

Arming with such equipment, according to experts in the last few years has increased dramatically. The world’s military forces entered the autonomous arms race and this struggle is becoming more and more unstoppable with each passing day.

Interest in autonomous weapons is great

From Hampshire College Michael Klare, professor of Peace and World Security StudiesIn a statement to Digital Trends, he explained that the Pentagon has been following the steps taken to use autonomous deadly robots on battlefields for years. Professor in his comments Defense Minister Mark Esper He pointed out that he recently talked about equipping the navy with unmanned ships and submarines capable of carrying weapons. Also the Air Force autonomous combat drones He said that it was developing, and the army turned to autonomous tanks.


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Klare, currently that prototypes are tested in war games However, he stated that mass production was not started. According to the expert, models ready for war will begin to be produced within five years. Saying that companies also see the big order potential in the future, the expert competition He added that. The Pentagon will pay substantial sums after choosing the prototypes best suited for it.

Will autonomous weapons be safe?

battle ship

No gun on earth it is not safeAll of them have the potential to be misused. Klare is basically using this technology easily. That you could get out of control and points out that it could cause serious harm. If a robot gets corrupted, malfunctioned or hacked, it can cause serious damage.

Klare to Russia or mainland China the ability to launch missiles saying that there are autonomous ships that haveAccording to such a ship’s own head Third World War you want to make sure you don’t decide to launch it.” says. He wants information on how much control these vehicles will have and whether they can be completely reliable.

What do you think of autonomous military equipment?

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