
Samsung Announces New EVO Plus and PRO Plus SD Cards

Samsung announced its new EVO Plus and PRO Plus SD cards that offer up to 256 GB of storage capacity and transfer speeds of up to 100MB / s. Samsung is especially targeting photographers and YouTubers with its new SD cards.

Today, although the internal storage capacities of digital products have already reached hundreds of GB, external storage units continue to remain popular. Especially SD cards; These are extremely suitable solutions for transferring tens of GB of media files from a camera or smartphone to a computer.

One of the largest manufacturers of memory technologies in the industry Samsung, with its high data transfer rate, the new PRO Plus and EVO Plus Announced the SD card series. PRO Plus models are 100MB / s read, 90MB / s write while offering speed; It offers flawless 4K video recording and multi-shot support especially for photographers, cinematographers and YouTubers.


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New Samsung EVO Plus SD cards, in addition to 100MB / s read and 90MB / s write speeds 100MB / s data transfer rate It also offers and allows you to play videos while editing. According to the statement made by Samsung, PRO Plus and EVO Plus SD cards are now protected from x-rays, magnets and impacts thanks to their seven-fold protected body. also resistant to falling and abrasion offers. The new SD cards have a drop of up to five meters, durability up to 10,000 plug-ins and a 10-year warranty.

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Both Samsung EVO Plus and PRO Plus offer users 32GB, 64GB, 128GB and 256GB offers capacity options. The prices for EVO Plus are announced as $ 6.99 ($ ​​55 + taxes), $ 12.99 ($ ​​103 + taxes), $ 19.99 ($ ​​158 + taxes) and $ 39.99 ($ ​​317 + taxes), respectively. ; It was announced as $ 9.99 ($ ​​79 + taxes), $ 16.99 ($ ​​134 + taxes), $ 25.99 ($ ​​206 + taxes) and $ 49.99 ($ ​​396 + taxes) for the PRO Plus.

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