
Minister Koca: All Case Numbers Will Be Announced

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca made important statements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in his statements today. Announcing that the pandemic has increased in metropolitan cities, Koca announced that they will announce all the number of cases instead of the number of patients from now on.

These days, when there is a very serious increase in the coronavirus pandemic across the country, as in the whole world. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca He made important statements. Saying that countries struggle with the virus differently according to their socioeconomic levels, past experiences and opportunities, Koca said.Turkey did not meet the health care system as a pandemic surprise. We entered a period of intense struggle upon the disease in our country.” said.

Minister Koca: We switched to open test policy

Health Minister Fahrettin husband, has long been used in Turkey and only those with symptoms explained “COVID-19 Daily Coronavirus Tableto open test policy He said they would pass. Minister Koca’s statements are as follows:

“I would like to mention a subject that is frequently discussed in the society. We preferred to use the concept of the patient since July. We preferred to adapt to the patient comparisons in the world and to share the number of severe cases that carry risks. These were the main burden on our health system. These are the cases that threaten the health system. Our citizens want to be aware of all those who are positive, who are followed up at home. We will also give positive cases that show no symptoms in the daily table. “

There are many number of positive cases in Turkey today?

According to the statements of Minister Koca today 164,547 tests done. When the number of patients was 6.814, with patients who did not show symptoms total number of cases 28,351 people as announced. also 168 of our citizens also lost their lives. This number was the number of Covidien-19 induced the highest daily death in Turkey.

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25 November Covid * 19 cases

Minister Koca, regarding the number of cases, Our total cases are 28 thousand 351 as of today. We plan to continue this column as the total number of daily cases, that is, everyone who is positive, plus the number of patients. We will see it by tomorrow. Except for the patients, that is, 6 thousand 814, all of our more than 21 thousand cases are registered in our system. All of these registered people are isolated, filmed and followed. By calling every day and adding to the number of patients with symptoms when they have symptoms. We will also be showing the historical figures in the table in the coming days. “ used the expressions.

COVID-19 Saying that the virus that caused the pandemic is a virus we have not encountered before, Minister Koca, Our combat strategy and treatment algorithms can change as we get to know them. New test methods may emerge. This is the way it goes around the world. Another country may declare a treatment that one country claims to be very beneficial. In addition to the unknowns, we cannot ignore that the promotions of the companies also play a role in this dynamic. “ made a statement in the form.

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There is an increase in metropolitan cities

Metropolitan Covid-19

According to the statements of Minister Koca, the most surplus in our country is nowIstanbul, Izmir, Bursa in provinces such as. Service occupancy, intensive care occupancy and respirator occupancy rates were also announced in these metropolitan cities. Accordingly, the service occupancy rate in Istanbul reached 61.7 percent. While 69.5 percent of intensive care units are filled, 41.8 percent of respirators are used. Stating that Bursa and İzmir are experiencing the third summit with Istanbul, Koca explained that although the decline has started in some provinces, a definite judgment has not been made yet.

Source :,916997

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