
Microsoft Develops View Tracker That Will Work On Any Device

Researchers within the technology giant Microsoft are developing a follower that will work on every device and follow the glances with high accuracy. Researchers can replace costly devices with their new device.

A human follow where you are lookingcan be very beneficial for people living with motor neuron diseases and disorders. Because such technology has the potential to help those people control their environment and communicate with others.

However, guessing where a person is looking, such as head posture, head position, eye rotation, background noise and glasses, face coverings, and ancillary medical equipment due to variables it is not something that can be done easily. However, there are some commercially available devices that can predict where a person is looking.

Microsoft is developing a new look tracker:

Devices are available on the market, but the cost of these devices up to thousands of dollars can reach. Here is this situation in daily life, Its researchers at Microsoft pushed it into a new struggle. Researchers, working with any camera, hardware independent and extremely sensitive started to develop a gaze follower.

A new posted earlier this month in the article The team shared the details of their work on the system. According to the shared details, the researchers to work on every device the system they developed is in the GazeCapture dataset 1.8073 centimeters to the margin of error had. Moreover, this result, the device has yet not calibrated in any way was taken.

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look follower


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Microsoft had previously conducted gaze tracking research. Your company Published in 2014 In the study, the researchers tried to obtain results with cameras and depth sensors, along with multiple infrared lights around a screen for eye tracking. The company’s Windows 10 operating system, ‘Eye Control‘was the first operating system to offer the feature.

Researchers at Microsoft have recently published articles on trigonometric models that focus only on the pupil and iris. detects the movement of other muscles They stated that it would not be enough. At this point, the researchers using deep learning they said they could improve accuracy.

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