
Marvel’s Avengers Postponed for Next Generation Game Consoles

Marvel’s Avengers, one of the games we are most curious to see on new generation game consoles, has been postponed to 2021 with the announcement made today. The developer company announced that many content coming to the game were also delayed.

Released in August Marvel’s AvengersEarlier this week, it received the biggest update it has received and gained new content. Although players expected more content with further updates, today the developer of the game Crystal Dynamics by sad statement done.

In the statement made by Crystal Dynamics, the game that their new content is postponed was announced. But the announcement didn’t just end with that. The developer company also gave very bad news in its statements for those who want to buy a new generation game console and enjoy the game.

The next generation version of Marvel’s Avengers has been postponed:

Crystal Dynamics, Marvel’s Avengers, developed for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X that the new generation version has been delayed announced. Of the game To 2021 Announcing that it was postponed, the company did not specify a clear date, and shared the reason for their decision. According to the statement, the company has been to give time to the team delayed.

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For those who buy PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and want to play the game, we have some comforting news. If you own the game, when you get the consoles, Marvel’s Avengers non-new generation version You will be able to play on your new console.

marvel's avengers


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Going back to the postponed content; will be the first character that players have been eagerly waiting for and added to the game Kate Bishop also found itself among the postponed contents. Kate Bishop, which will normally be published in October, by the developer company without a deadline has been postponed.

The company shared some good news as well as all this bad news. Players who currently own the game will be gifted to the players by the developer company ‘thank-you bundleThey will be able to have (thank you package). Until 5 November Within the scope of the bundle that can be purchased, players will have the items listed below:

  • 1,500 Credits (Enough to get a Legendary Skin and Nameplate)
  • 7,000 Units
  • 250 Upgrade Module
  • 20 DNA Keys
  • Inspired by Sarah Garza Nameplate

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