
LG Develops a Heading That Prevents Hair Loss

Technology maker LG has developed a title called Pra.L MediHair. While this headgear helps people to grow their hair, it also prevents shedding.

Most technology manufacturerestablishes subsidiaries or brands to serve different sectors. LG also produces beauty products Pra.L. Products owns a brand named. The brand has many remarkable products.

Ultrasonic facial cleanser, derma LED mask Combining technology and beauty, the company now takes action to solve people’s hair problems.

Low light therapy with MediHeir

LG Pra.L MediHairlow level light therapy (LLLT) It aims to increase hair growth using a technology called. This head, which uses 146 lasers and 104 LED lights, is responsible for hair growth. stem cells It is aimed to slow down the balding process by stimulating it.

Called androgenetic alopecia and in general balding The lasers and LED lights in the head, developed against the hair loss problem called as at the top of the head focuses on the areas where baldness is common.


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LLLT technology He had previously managed to get approval from various health institutions. LG Pra.L MediHair, According to the company’s claim, when used 3 times a week for a total of 16 weeks, it manages to increase hair density and thickness.

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Three different uses

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Of the device three main usage modes has. The first of these Total Care In mode, the whole skull area is treated. Front Care mode to the front of the head, Top Care mode focuses on the upper part. In addition, the device can determine the appropriate mode by examining the person’s head.

From LG According to the statement, the company has recently been in a public domain Of MediHair will carry out an event for the promotion. This device will be gifted to 100 people at these events. The official launch of the device will take place next month. Thus, the price of the hair strengthening head will be determined.

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