
iPhone 12 and 12 Mini Battery Capacity Announced

The battery capacities of two phones from the lower segment of the new smartphone family iPhone 12 introduced by Apple recently have been announced. According to ANATEL certificate, the iPhone 12 mini has a 2,227 mAh battery.

Although Apple’s smartphones are among the most successful devices in the industry in hardware such as processors, their battery capacities have always been kept low. Behind this device iOS but here users are at levels that the company can compete with Android devices. to battery wants it to produce phones with

Although this request has increased a lot in recent years, we can say that Apple has not worked on this issue. It was understood more clearly when the capacities emerged that the company did not explain the battery capacities of its new phones at the launch this year. Certificates emerging at the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency ANATEL iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 devices battery capacity it was also clear.

How many mAh batteries of iPhone 12 series?

According to the certificate revealed by ANATEL, on iPhone 12 mini 2.227 mAh has a battery. When we look at the iPhone 12, we see 2.815 mAhThere is a battery of ‘. These battery capacities, which we can consider extremely low, are Apple’s previous model. iPhone 11’s 3,110mAheven lower than its battery. When we look at it in this form, we can easily say that the iPhone 12 family has not experienced any improvement as a battery.

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What is the effect on lifespan?

Although the battery performance of the iPhone 12 series is low, 5 nm It closes with the A14 Bionic chipset developed with the architecture. Video play times of iPhone 11 and 12 with this gap closed 17 hours equaled. iPhone 12 mini has 15 hours of video playback time. The only place where the iPhone 12 excelled was online video viewing times. iPhone 12 offered 11 hours of online video viewing, while iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 mini remained in 10 hours.


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Out of battery capacity of iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro MaxBattery capacities are still unknown. So what do you think could be the reason why Apple is so stingy about the battery? It already has good optimization iOS to the operating system 5000 mAh If a capacity battery is added, wouldn’t more users prefer iPhone? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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