
Intact Brain Cells Discovered in a 2,000-Year-Old Skeleton

Italian researchers discovered 2,000-year-old intact brain cells in a skeleton during their work in the ancient city of Hercules. Some of the nerve cells in the spinal cord of the same skeleton were also standing firmly.

Another Roman city destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius volcano on the same day as Pompeii and Stabiae cities. Herculaneum was the city. The city, whose founder is said to be Hercules in the epics, was a settlement where noble Romans like Pompeii lived with all means.

Today, a discovery made in the ancient city managed to surprise the scientific world. Italian scientists were found lying face down on a bed in a wooden building during their studies in the city of Herculesum. In the skull of a 25-year-old young man discovered brain cells that were still intact.

Despite two thousand years, they have managed to stay intact:

The head of the research team, Napoli II. Pier Paolo Petrone, a forensic anthropologist at Federico University, while studying near the prone skeletonsomething like glass shining inside the skull‘he said he saw. As a result of the studies, it was understood what this brightness was.

Petrone and his colleagues saw that this shiny material that they saw inside the skull was increasingly affected by the intense heat of the deceased. turning into glass in the brain preserved intact intact brain cells announced that they discovered that In other words, the brain cell inside the skull is the despite two thousand years it stood firmly.

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Petrone also explained the reason for this situation in the person’s brain cells. According to Petrone’s explanations, the brain liquefied after exposure to hot volcanic ash, and then the volcanic ash bed immediately turned into a glassy material as it cools rapidly should have been

The discoveries made in the skeleton were not limited to this. In the same skeleton, the spinal cord, which has become glass, is also intact nerve cells discovered. All these discoveries are of great importance to the scientific world, as such an example cannot be found neither in the ancient city nor elsewhere.

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