
Insomniac Games Producers Receive Death Threat

The producers who changed the face of Peter Parker in Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, which will come to PlayStation 5, started receiving death threats. Bryan Intihar, Creative Director of Insomniac Games, announced the threats from his Twitter account.

Sony will come to the next generation game console PlayStation 5 with improved graphics Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered recently released a promotional video for. This video, which was published, shocked the actors because the main character Peter Parker’s face had been changed. Peter Parker, who bore the face of actor John Bubniak in the original game, in the Remastered version I’m Jordan He appeared before us with his face.

This change, Internet bullies it caused her to show up again. Previously, the producers of The Last of Us Part II due to the script death threats this time the developer studio of Marvel’s Spiderman Insomniac Games started doing it for their employees.

The Insomniac Games employee shared the messages on Twitter:

Creative Director of Insomniac Games, who announces threats to himself on his Twitter account Bryan SuicideHe said he could make sense of the fans’ passion, but the threats were not pleasant. “We’ll find and catch you, fix this now!” Suicihar invited people to be respectful and unite for good.

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Following this post by Bryan Intihar, many prominent names in the gaming industry sent him support messages. At this point God of War director Cory Barlog, “The entire Insomniac team is full of hardworking, great people. This is not true. We have to be better at people who do the things we love. “ said.

Dealing with harassment and threatening messages since The Last of Us Part II script was leaked earlier this year Naughty Dog Vice President Neil Druckman if “Oh… I’m sorry you had to deal with this shit, Bryan.” used the expressions.


PlayStation 5’s Fans Run Quite Quiet

Naughty Dog, the developer of The Last of Us Part II, has also faced similar messages in recent months. The sequel, which has been the subject of discussions since its release, has been criticized by many people, especially because of its scenario, and some people even with death threatening to try had taken me until. Naughty Dog, who posted an announcement after the events, said that he was with his team members and that their safety was a company priority.

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