
FIFA 21 Martin Tyler and Alan Smith No Announcers

Martin Tyler and Alan Smith, who are probably the most iconic voices after Electronic Arts’ own slogan, will not be in the new game. Presenter and commentators will be transferred to Derek Rae and Lee Dixon.

The world famous football game series FIFA, which has become iconic in recent years Martin tyler and Alan Smith It was confronted with the match narration of the two. The duo, who has been the voice of the game for more than a decade, will start playing worldwide this week. FIFA 21will not take place in.

This time instead of Martin Tyler and Alan Smith Derek Rae and Lee dixon It will take place in the announcer booth. Only one speaker pair can be selected in each language in the game. Moreover, there will not be a speaker pair for every language.

Names known to football fans

Derek Rae and Lee Dixon, especially Football fans in the UK names he is quite familiar with. Rae, right now On ESPN He is known as the name who narrates the match and also presents the program called Bundesliga World Feed. If Dixon At ITV He is a commentator.


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We have actually heard this duo in FIFA games before. FIFA 19 and FIFA 20There were names that commented on the matches of the Champions League and UEFA Europa League. In the new version, the duo became the default narrators for each match in the English language option.

On the other hand, in FIFA 21 Spanish The people who choose the narration of the match will also notice that the announcer has changed. Announcer performing the match narration in Spanish Nira JuancoShe also managed to become the first female announcer in the history of the game.

FIFA 21 is currently available

fifa 21


System Requirements, Release Date, Price of FIFA 21

Of FIFA 21 Champions or Ultimate Those who bought the version can play the game right now. For those who buy the standard version, the game From 9 October will become fully playable.

EA also with new game Dual Entertainment He also offered a feature that he named. Technically, thanks to this feature, games will be upgraded to new generation consoles free of charge. This feature Fifa Can be used up to 22.

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