
Bug-Hunting Program Rewards Increased By At Least 26%

Bug hunting programs, which allow companies to close security gaps and errors through independent individuals, experienced a huge increase in 2020. The amount of money collected by bounty hunters this year has increased by at least 26% compared to last year.

Social media platforms and almost all applications we use every day are always vulnerability or error they host. Detecting these errors and vulnerabilities, which we encounter in many different ways, can not be done only by those who develop platforms and applications.

For this reason, nowadays it has almost become a profession bug bounty There are programs named. Thanks to this program, any person who is not dependent on any place can notify the companies about the error he sees and according to the importance of the error or the various awards can win.

The amount of rewards distributed increased by at least 26%:

Bug hunting program that has been gaining popularity in recent years, especially this year to the peak reached. Companies have announced how much the amount of reward they give to those who find a mistake in the last 1 year. The data announced by the companies are in the bug hunting programs error types with the most reward well laid out.

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In bug hunting programs this year the most rewarded error type is XSS happened. Companies, in total, to hunters who found XSS errors this year 4 million 211 thousand 6 dollars paid. Rewards for XSS errors within 1 year An increase of 26% lived. The vulnerability, following XSS, experienced a 134% increase in the amount of rewards compared to last year. Improper Access Control (Improper Access Control) happened.


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As can be seen in the chart above, companies have significantly increased the amount of rewards they give to hunters who find security vulnerabilities and errors in the last 1 year. So that If negative numbers are not involved the reward amount by error has increased by at least 26%. In total in 2020 23.5 million dollars award was distributed.

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