
Big Diss from Samsung to Apple’s 5G-tech iPhones

Less than 3 hours after Apple introduced the new iPhone 12 family, Samsung USA dissected Apple’s 5G iPhones on Twitter. In the tweet shared, “Some say hello to speed now, we have been together for a while.” statement took place.

Technology giant Apple, Turkey time starts at 20.00 and H, Speed ​​'(Hi-Speed ​​also conveys a sense of high speed when which means motto also read) is that we expect the new technologies at the event and of course for a long time new iPhone 12 family introduced. Apple’s new smartphone series, desired but not in the previous series 5G connection technology was finally offering it to its users.

But less than 3 hours after the introduction of the new iPhone 12s, Apple’s biggest competitor is the South Korean technology giant. A share from Samsung came. However, the sharing made by Samsung was not a normal sharing. Sharing from the company’s official US Twitter account to Apple diss dismissed.

Samsung: Some say hello to speed now

‘In the tweet shared by SamsungSome say hello to speed now, we’ve been friends for a while. Get your Galaxy 5G device now.‘statement was included. As you can see from the shared tweet, Samsung offers Apple’s 5G technology. that you are late he was saying.

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Samsung first announced its 5G connection technology earlier this year. With Galaxy S20 series He said hello. Since then the company has introduced Galaxy Note Series, Galaxy Fold devices and Galaxy Flip 5G technology was also included in the phone. The post also emphasized once again that Samsung has been using 5G technology for months.

samsung 5g


Unique Animation Created on Twitter for Apple’s Event Tonight

Of course, we do not yet know how seriously Samsung made this sharing. However, the company’s tweet to attract users To the connection with 5G devices It points out that Samsung and Apple will enter a tough fight in the coming months.

Consequently, Samsung has already started preparations to get a place for itself before this struggle. Let’s see what the graphics will show us in the coming months as Apple joins the 5G connectivity support competition in the smartphone industry. We probably won’t wait long to find out.

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