
TikTok Video Hospitalized a Little Boy

An 8-year-old girl living in the US was hospitalized while trying a magic trick she saw on TikTok. The girl, whose coin got caught in her throat while trying the trick, was taken to the hospital by her family and rescued.

Social media platforms have become a part of our daily life. New trends, new videos, and new content are constantly being produced on these platforms. However, some of these videos are can be dangerous for children.

The subject of this news is an 8-year-old girl who returned from death because of a video she watched. An 8-year-old girl living in the state of Michigan, USA, she saw on TikTok. trying the magic trick He was hospitalized.

Speed ​​trying to try TikTok video was hospitalized

A little girl named Dhakota while trying the magic trick she saw on TikTok After swallowing 25 centsI was taken to the hospital by his parents. According to the news in the Dailydot “Doctors have never seen anything like this before” expressed.

The reason why 8-year-old Dhakota tried such a trick is the magic trick created by a TikTok user named @gregsabbak. Greg in his TikTok video he acts like he swallowed a dice And after a short while, the dice reappears between his teeth to match exactly the number he said.

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hospital girl while imitating tiktok video

Unable to find dice, the little girl decides to try this trick with a coin. Dhakota’s father stated that his daughter was unable to swallow the money, had trouble breathing, and they began to panic at this point. That your daughter disappeared for just a few minutes and after a short time having trouble breathing He expressed that he was trying to explain what happened.


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After her family took the little girl to two hospitals, the second hospital was given emergency care by the doctors. Dhakota’s father, calling out to parents, can use their children’s tablets or phones. should delete the application told.

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