
Amazon Will Send Random Orders With Mario Themed Box

Electronic commerce giant Amazon will send randomly selected orders with Mario-themed boxes in an agreement with Nintendo. Amazon’s Mario-themed boxes will be one of Nintendo’s events to celebrate Mario’s 35th birthday.

Mario, the most known character of the game world, this year 35 years old celebrating. In 1985, Super Mario Bros. in memory of the legend born with Nintendostarted to organize celebrations in various ways. One of these celebrations is currently the electronic commerce giant. Partner with Amazon done.

With the agreement between Nintendo and Amazon, Amazon will make deliveries to the surprise of its customers. The company will ship shipping boxes of orders randomly selected from orders placed in the US. Mario themed will make. Boxes under this partnership with Nintendo during the month of November it will reach lucky people.

Amazon will send a Mario box to randomly selected customers:

Moreover, there is no requirement to buy only Nintendo products to get the chance to own a Mario-themed box. It is not even necessary to purchase a game-related product on the shopping site. Via Amazon order any product customers who give them the chance to find the Mario box in front of them.

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In addition to Mario-themed boxes, Amazon also has a special edition that celebrates Super Mario’s 35th birthday. Internet page created. Super Mario’s 1985 version on this page. from birth to the present how it develops has been briefly shown. The page also featured Mario’s story.

amazon mario


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Nintendo didn’t start celebrating Mario’s 35th birthday with Amazon. The company recreated Super Mario Bros. in September, a game in which 35 people fought each other. battle royale game had published. The company also featured Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy.Super Mario 3D All-Stars‘had unpacked.

In October, Nintendo released its new production called Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit. The company this month Super Mario Game & Watch installed Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) will also begin deliveries. We are celebrating the 35th anniversary of Mario, who has a great place in our lives.

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