
Artists Can Influence ‘Recommended Songs’ on Spotify

With a new feature being tested by Spotify, artists can interfere with which song the algorithm will recommend. Artists who want Spotify to prioritize a particular song will have to waive part of the royalties.

The world’s most popular online music streaming service SpotifyWith both its extensive music library and the successful recommendation algorithm, it manages to please its users. Weekly DiscoveryPlaylists such as Time Capsule or Hot Hits, users can suggest pinpoint songs as if they were searching specifically.

Well How Spotify predicts the music you can love have you ever wondered We can explain this simply with the following example; If you are a user who likes to listen to REM, Spotify will probably give you Dinosaur Jr. or it will suggest alt-J. The main reason for this is that REM listeners are mostly Dinosaur Jr. or they are listening on alt-J.

Spotify’s algorithm automatically handles all suggestions and there is no ‘manual’ enforcement by users or artists on suggestions. I mean, at least it was until now … Because Spotify, artists or where production companies can influence the songs to be recommended has started testing a new feature.

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Artists or production companies with this feature priority songs and the algorithm will primarily present these songs to users that it determines may like the corresponding song. So, what kind of a way to prioritize the songs of artists or production companies? ‘price’ Will I have to pay?

spotify playlist

Spotify is a ‘priority song’ for this feature, so that all artists at any stage of their career can benefit from this feature. will not offer a price tag. Instead, the artists “Promotional royalty fee”They will have to accept ni.

In other words, Spotify, artists or production companies, in return for prioritizing the song they choose, Spotify to waive some of the royalties will want. Thus, the songs of the artists will reach more users and the royalties that cause Spotify to still be a ‘loss-making company’ will be reduced.


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As you can imagine, Spotify wants to reduce its royalty burden while not compromising user experience. For this reason, a featured song is statistically If it does not perform well, it will be removed from priority. However, if the featured song becomes popular, it will keep its priority position.

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