
A Rare Charizard Card Sold For About $ 184K

A rare card of Pokemon, which has become a big brand with its animation, games and movies, was sold at a jaw-dropping price. The rare Charizard card found buyers for about $ 184,000 last Friday.

Game and player cards, especially rare ones, can blow fans’ minds. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to cards is Pokemon and Pokemon cards is happening. Here is one of these Pokemon cards, sold at a jaw-dropping price in an auction recently.

A rare Charizard card went up for auction last Friday. This Charizard card is by Iconic Auctions The palace gem of Pokemon Trading Card Game was named. The price paid for the card also paid off for the title of palace jewel.

Pokemon Charizard card sold for $ 184,000

Auction of the card It started from 40 thousand dollars (316 thousand 716 TL) and From 183 thousand 812 dollars (1 million 455 thousand 405 TL) was sold. The person who paid about $ 184,000 to own this rare Pokemon card was the US rapper Logic.

Pokemon Trading Card Games has been held in the USA since 1999 and has been publishing since 2003. The Pokemon Company realizing. According to rumors, the price Logic paid for this rare Charizard card is the highest price ever given for a single card.

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Logic said in his post on his official Instagram account that he loved Pokemon very much as a child, but did not receive his cards. The famous rapper who said he could have fun with something he loved since childhood, this is not a material said it was an experience. According to the news in Polygon, the value of collectible cards has increased considerably in recent years and the reason for this is that people who grew up with these games are in their 30s and 40s. Last year, Magic: The Gathering’s Black Lotus card It was sold for 166 thousand 100 dollars.

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