
7-Minute Gameplay Video from Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Ubisoft’s highly anticipated game, will be on the market soon. The company released a 7-minute gameplay video of the game.

The next game in the Assassin’s Creed series, which has been very popular since its first game, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla it will be. Not long before the game was released, from Ubisoft 7 minute gameplay video came.

A group embarking on an adventure in 9th century England in the new game Viking will be our focus. The aim of the players was announced as forming alliances between the four kingdoms living in the region. It shows what we should expect from the new video game.

We will be able to customize our characters

Only our main character in the new game Eivor We will not only decide on gender. At the same time, our character tattoos we will also have a choice. In addition, the skills we have developed in the game and our boat with hidden rewards we can decorate.

Where swords collide, axes swing and Viking boats welcomes us to a war scene involving. In this game, we are not only killing some enemies, but also getting involved in the political side of the business. Also in the game big wars is also included.


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Our goal in the game, which includes many different equipment such as the legendary sword Excalibur, is improving our home and our clan, the Kuzgun clan we will fight for this purpose. We also develop and improve our city. protect from incoming attacks we take measures for

Game requirements explained


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Ubisoft has announced the system configurations required for the computer version of the game. Game of a quad-core, 8-thread CPU, 8GB of RAM and a GeForce 1080 graphics card 1080p 60 FPS It was stated that it was necessary to play as. Ubisoft’s recommendation for those who want to play the game in 4K Ryzen 7 3700X happened.

The game will be played on Xbox Series X and Series S in addition to PC. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla He will also find himself on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Google Stadia and Amazon Luna.

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