
Daimler to Shrink in Transition to Electric Cars

Automotive giant Daimler, which also houses an important brand such as Mercedes under its roof, plans to focus on the electric car market. The company will also shrink in this process.

Of electric cars Almost everyone has accepted that it is the future of the automotive industry. German giant Daimler is also preparing for the age of electric cars. The structure of the company will also change in this process.

Daimler, one of the largest automobile companies in the world, 5 years from now a smaller organization aims to be. According to the firm’s CEO, Ola Kaellenius Mercedes-Benz, will focus on software based systems.

Daimler is getting smaller

KaelleniusIn a statement to the Reuters news agency, “In the next five years a smaller firm we will become. There will be fundamental changes in our industrial footprint regarding the power unit. “ said.

Daimler CEO He explained that the reason for this situation was the need for less work. While an electric car has only 200 parts in its engine and battery, conventional combustion engines have this number. To 1400 Kaellenius stated that as you move away from fossil fuels, efficiency increases and resources are freed.

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The CEO also has many newcomers during this transition period. software engineer, battery chemist and electrification specialist He added that they employ. Thus, Daimler will adapt to the era when more environmentally friendly and sustainable luxury stands out.

Greener luxury vehicles

mercedes avatar concept

Kaellenius, footprints on Earth the need to be smaller he said they had no doubt about it. That’s one of the things modern luxury cars have promised, according to the CEO.

Mercedes-BenzThe expertise of the Formula 1 team EQXX using for electric car models named. This vehicle can overcome quite long distances on a single charge and, according to the company, the purpose of the car is also the most effective electric car will turn out to be.

The company has also digital services wants him to use. Thus, the company also aims to generate additional income from the automobile operating system it will publish in 2024. Via operating system autonomous driving serviceThey will earn additional income by selling products such as driving assistance features.

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