
What Is Anthrax and How Is It Transmitted?

Anthrax is an infectious disease that occurs in grass-eating animals, caused by a bacterium called anthrax bacillus anthracis. It is transmitted from person to person, by contact with the wound in the animal, by eating animal meat, by inhaling the anthrax infection in the area where the diseased animal is located.

Anthrax is divided into three groups as skin, lung, and intestine. If it is transmitted through the lungs and intestines, the consequences are fatal. Anthrax is rarely transmitted from person to person.

What is Anthrax?

One of the most frequently asked questions is what is anthrax.
It is known to be a dangerous disease that generally reaches herbivores and will cause fatal consequences unless necessary interventions and operations are performed.
Anthrax symptoms
There are symptoms of anthrax that are manifested and recorded according to their types.
Severe fever symptoms are seen. In addition, blisters and blemishes in the skin area are another symptom that objectively manifests itself on the outer surface.
Another symptom is described as fatigue and is manifested by increased severity. Difficulty breathing is another symptom of anthrax.
The fact that all these symptoms are the same as winter diseases such as influenza and flu makes the diagnosis of the disease difficult.
Pain symptoms that reach the bones and make themselves felt are recorded as another symptom and should be examined and diagnosed by a qualified doctor as soon as possible.
Types of Anthrax Disease

The types of anthrax disease classified and classified by specialist physicians are basically divided into three main groups.
One of them is intestinal anthrax. It is a type of anthrax that occurs due to the drinking of spores at bacterial level for various reasons.
It is also known as the lowest level of anthrax in terms of danger due to the lack of person-to-person transmission.
At least 10-15 thousand spores must be swallowed for the development and occurrence of the disease.
Is there a cure for anthrax disease?
Another anthrax disease is known as skin anthrax and is referred to by this name in reports.
The most important type of this disease is the incubation period and it is known to occur within two weeks at the latest.
It got this name along with the presence of large reliefs on the skin. Pain and severe pain are also symptoms.
The most common type of anthrax is lung anthrax. It is also known as the most dangerous anthrax because it directly penetrates the lungs.
It spreads very quickly, as it completes the incubation period within a few days.
If it is not properly intervened when necessary, death will occur. There is a high probability of going into a coma before illness.
Anthrax Treatment
The most important feature to know for the treatment of this disease is that early diagnosis is extremely important.
Anthrax treatment

At this point, anthrax treatment with early diagnosis is of great importance for the treatment of the disease.
Skin anthrax treatment manifests itself in the form of dressings. The goal is to separate the injured area from other infections.
Intestinal anthrax:
It occurs by swallowing spores. The incubation period is 1-7 days. Symptoms are nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting and bloody diarrhea. In order for the disease to be transmitted through the lung or digestive system, at least 10 thousand bacterial spores must be inhaled or ingested. The disease can be prevented by treatment with appropriate antibiotics immediately after exposure. Anthrax cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
Leather Anthrax:
It occurs when anthrax spores interact with the skin. The incubation period is 1-12 days. Symptoms include pain, aches and pains at entry points into the body.
Lung Anthrax:
It occurs by taking spores through the respiratory tract. The incubation period is 3-5 days. Symptoms are common cold-like symptoms such as fever, malaise, weakness, and difficulty breathing. In the later stages of the disease, the patient falls into a coma and dies.
In Sheep Anthrax, animals get sick 2-3 days after ingesting the germs. Anorexia, surprising, not standing, difficulty breathing, chills, high fever are the main symptoms. The sheep die soon after symptoms appear.
Dead animals have traces of blood or a bloody leak in the mouth, nose, and anus. The blood of slaughtered animals is black and does not clot.
Humans become infected by slaughtering and swimming sick animals, eating meat or processing the skin and wool of these animals.
With the digestive system: Foods such as herbs, water, food are taken by mouth.
Respiratory: This rare form of transmission in animals occurs in humans with spores, animal skin, hair, wool, and fleece.
According to the skin: It is formed by the penetration of the agent through various portraits (biting, cropping, abrasions, scratches, etc.) formed on the skin. People are transmitted through infected meat, blood, and contact. Bloodsucking and painful flies can also transmit the infection in this way.
Protection From Anthrax
The most important precaution that can be taken in Anthrax is the proper elimination of animals that die from this disease. For this purpose, sick animals should not be slaughtered or swimming, and autopsy should not be performed.
Since infected animals emit milk, urine and other secretions and microbes shortly before death, the examination of sick animals and the transport of dead animals should be considered and protective measures should be taken. The animals that die in the barn are covered with tincture diode cotton with the mouth, nose and anus, then they are carried to the place where they will be destroyed, wearing appropriate tools and protective clothing, they are burned or buried in the pits opened. To a depth of 2 meters, pouring lime quickly enough. All mats and questionable items burn. The barn is first washed with hot water. It is then disinfected with appropriate antiseptics. Animals that die in pastures are buried wherever possible with dirty grass and land around them. In vaccinated animals, pasture is closed and feeds are changed until immunity is established. Suspicious and dangerous pastures are closed to sensitive animals to prevent pasture contamination. If grass and straw are suspected, they will be destroyed.
The second measure is vaccination. Intact animals are vaccinated immediately without fever. Animals should be vaccinated for at least five years of disease occurrence. Preventive vaccination is usually done in the spring. Immunity develops within 10-14 days after vaccination. It may take a little longer for unicorns.

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