
Uniforms to be added to the game with LoL 10.23 patch

With the League of Legends 10.23 patch, which will meet with players next month, new costumes to be added to the game have been announced. The balance changes the patch will bring have not yet been announced.

One of the most popular MOBA games of its genre League of Legends or as it is known, LoL’s 10.22 patch has completed the testing process and is about to meet the players. Therefore, eyes are turned to future innovations and changes with the LoL 10.23 update.

It is possible to say that there are currently two separate tests for League of Legends. The first of these is the Preseason Test with Preseason changes, and you can check out the LoL 10.22 release notes released by Riot Games for more information. If the second test 10.23 Contains changes specific to the version.

League of Legends 10.23 along with several Your new champion skin We can say that it will be added to the game. These; For Victorious Lucian, Zac and Nasus War Machine costumes for Jayce, Singed and Yorick Resistance will be in the form of costumes.

Riot Games has not yet announced a balance change for League of Legends 10.23, but these changes are expected to be announced later in the test. By the way, League of Legends patch 10.23 11 NovemberLet us remind you that it will be published in.

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