
The price of the iPhone 12 Pro appeared in Vatan Bilgisayar

Apple introduced the new iPhone and Turkey announced that the price of 12 Pro opened the pre-order price of $ 23,600 in Vatan Computer with extremely exaggerated. Shortly after the phone went on sale, stocks ran out.

Apple, iPhone 12 at its launch Tuesday introduced the smart phone family. Among these phones it has a size of 6.1 inches iPhone 12 ProIt was announced with a price tag of $ 999. Currently in our country TL unknown how many phones will be sold, one of Turkey’s largest technology stores Vatan Computerhas been opened for pre-order in Although it is very normal to open the iPhone 12 Pro for pre-order, the main point here was the price of the phone.

Did Vatan Bilgisayar made a PR study?

At Vatan Bilgisayar 23.600 TRY Open to pre-order with price tag and in a very short time running out An entry is opened in Ekşi Sözlük for smart phones. This price listed for the iPhone 12 Pro 128 GB model and its being exhausted in a very short time is thought to be an advertising work by Vatan Bilgisayar. The company, which probably added a small number of phones to the stock, attracted many users to the page of the phone, which attracted attention with its exorbitant price. This instant user will enable Vatan Bilgisayar to be at the top of Google after the phone is out. Even now, Vatan Bilgisayar’s iPhone 12 Pro page instantly 3868 the person is located. This shows that a successful PR work has taken place.

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How much will iPhone 12 Pro cost?

Apple’s most expensive phone after iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 12 Prois sold abroad for $ 999. When taxes are added, we see a price of 13,600 TL. These prices may increase to the 15.000 TL band, but 23.600 TRY such a price seems unreal. Still, Vatan Bilgisayar was the only place to receive price information about the iPhone 12 Pro. So do you think iPhone 12 Pro is really available at these prices? Would you pay that much for a phone? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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