
59 mummies 2,500 years old found in Egypt

Archaeologists have found 59 more mummies in Egypt. The mummies, understood to have been buried around 2,500 years ago, are thought to belong to priests, statesmen or prominent people who lived at that time. The mummies discovered will be taken to the Great Egyptian Museum, which is expected to open in 2021.

59 new mummies were found in the south of Cairo. UNESCO’s World Heritage list SakkaraThe mummies found in India were buried about 2,500 years ago and are well preserved. Those who buried these mummies at that time, sealing They had ensured that the mummies were kept very well.

In fact, 59 mummies were not found at once. Archaeologists who have researched the region in the past weeks, 13 coffins they had found. The researchers, who went down 12 meters below the ground by expanding their research, increased the number of coffins discovered in the studies to 59. SaturdayOne of these mummies was also opened.

Here are some of the mummies found

In the statements made on the subject, it was stated that the mummies in question belonged to the seven or sixth century BC. Mummies found, according to experts, is a great discovery the beginning of. Archaeologists believe that if this area continues to be investigated, many more mummies can be found they say.


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The experts who opened the inside of one of the discovered mummies were decorated with hieroglyphic inscriptions in bright colors. burial gland They reached the mummy remains inside. Scientists who studied the ruins said that mummies were sent to the priests who lived at that time, to high government officials or to the public. prominent They announced that they may belong to their names.

Here is the wooden coffin inside


The region named Sakkara in Egypt, considered the capital of Ancient Egypt MemphisLocated in. The region, which has made important discoveries so far, seems to open the door to new discoveries from now on. In addition, scientists have seen snakes, insects, birds and other animal It should be reminded that they also removed mummies.

According to the statements made, the new mummies discovered will be put into service in Giza. Great Egyptian Museumto be taken to. Although its opening was delayed several times, probably In 2021 The museum to be opened will host thousands of artifacts that will reveal the history of Egypt. In addition, not only existing discoveries, but also new discoveries to be made in the coming periods will be brought to this museum and presented to visitors.

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