
Benefits of Potato Juice to Skin and Face

Potato juice benefits for skin and face Did you know that potatoes, one of our favorite foods, which are one of the basic ingredients of many different recipes that we never get bored of eating in the morning, lunch and dinner, beautify, nourish our skin and take care of their health?
Potato juice, which contains plenty of vitamins A, C, K, E and B6 and is a source of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, folic acid and beta-carotene, has a natural tonic effect and tightens our skin.

Thanks to practical skin care masks that you can prepare with potato juice, which is rich in vitamins and minerals, it is possible to give comprehensive care to your skin.

In this article, we would like to briefly mention the benefits of potato juice for the skin and then share with you the recipes for the most effective potato juice masks.

What are the benefits of potato juice for skin?

Potato juice has benefits for skin as well as skin benefits. Here are the skin benefits of potato juice

Benefits of potato juice to skin İbrahim Saraçoğlu

Being closely followed by women, helping us to live a healthy life with herbal cures and making us more beautiful with skin care masks, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu; He says that potato juice is very good for our skin.

In addition to İbrahim Saraçoğlu, many beauty and skin care experts recommend using masks that we can regularly prepare with potato juice.

We can summarize the benefits of potato juice as follows:

  • Fight skin wrinkles.

Potato juice, which is a great source of potassium, increases the elasticity of the skin thanks to the potassium in its content.

Fight fine wrinkles and fine lines by minimizing the signs of premature aging on our skin.

You can take advantage of this miraculous effect of potatoes to prevent the first signs of aging and to look younger for at least a few years.

  • Treat acne and pimples

Potato juice, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, naturally cures acne and acne on the skin.

It stops the spread of bacteria and germs that cause acne and acne. It also protects the skin against bacteria and germs and can cause acne, acne, etc. on the skin caused by bacterial infections. May cause formation. protects us from skin problems.

If you want to heal your acne and pimples naturally; You can try the potato juice mask.

  • Eliminate skin tone imbalances.
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Potato juice, excellent source of folic acid; It moisturizes the skin and meets most of the skin’s moisturizing needs.

When applied regularly to the skin, it eliminates the tonal imbalances in the skin. You can use potato juice to make your skin look more vibrant, bright, get a single color and return to its natural color.

Perfect for dark circles under the eyes and around the eyes, potato juice helps lighten pigmentation, acne scars, acne scars, sun spots and blemishes when applied to the skin. Brown spots.

Regular use of potato juice masks; Provides at least a few tones to lighten the skin. With this mask, you can remove darkening under and around the eyes, bruises and spots on the skin.

  • Cleans pores deeply

Potato juice not only tightens the skin like a natural toner, it also cleans pores, makeup residue, dirt and dust. In other words, it has a peeling effect and provides faster renewal of skin cells.

It removes dead cells in our skin and supports healthy cell formation.

Potato juice, which is a very good solution for skin peeling and peeling caused by excessive drying of the skin, moisturizes the skin thanks to its potassium, folic acid and other vitamins and minerals. .

Potato juice, which effectively combats fine lines and wrinkles, also provides sagging skin.

Especially since you are constantly gaining and losing weight, you can apply potato juice to the sagging area to regain the sagging skin.

You can also improve the appearance of stretch marks on your skin with potato juice.

Potato juice for skin spots:

You can get perfect results instantly by applying potato juice to bruises around the eyes and dark areas of the skin.

To do this, grate a piece of potato and squeeze the juice. Apply the potato juice to your eyes, dark circles and skin blemishes before going to bed every night.

Repeat this process for at least 2-3 months.

Potato juice mask for dry skin

If you have an extremely dry and flaky skin type, you can add some cottage cheese to the mask to further increase the effect of the potato juice.


  • 1 small potato
  • 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese

Preparation and application:

  • After peeling the potato, grate it well. Then grate the cottage cheese.
  • In a glass bowl, mix the grated potato juice with the cottage cheese.
  • Apply this mixture on clean skin and massage gently with your fingertips.
  • After waiting 20 minutes, rinse your skin with plenty of water.
  • Repeat the mask 2-3 times a week.
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Potato juice mask for acne

If you have oily, acne and acne skin; By mixing potato juice with a little apple cider vinegar, you can get a great anti-acne mask.


  • 1 small potato
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

Preparation and application:

  • After grating the potato, squeeze the juice. Pour the potato juice into an empty sterile spray that you do not use.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to this spray.
  • Apply this mixture on pimples and pimples on your skin every night before going to bed.
  • Do not forget to apply a moisturizer after the procedure so that the apple cider vinegar does not irritate your skin!

Good potato juice mask for acne and pimples

You can also use a mixture of potato juice and honey in the fight against inflamed acne on your skin.

To prepare the mask, peel a potato, grate it and squeeze the juice. In a glass bowl, mix the potato juice with a teaspoon of honey.

Apply this mixture on pimples and pimples every night before going to bed.

Potato juice mask for oily skin

If you want to prevent excessive sebum formation on your skin and keep the sebum amount under control and in balance; you can try this mask.


  • Glass of black grape juice tea
  • Glass of potato juice tea
  • Glass of lemon juice tea


  • Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Apply this mixture all over your face every night before going to bed.

How long should the potato juice stay in the skin?

Potato juice alone does not irritate the skin. Most masks are also applied to the skin at night. Thus, you do not need to remove the masks from your skin.

If you have an extremely problematic skin, you can apply the potato juice mask to your skin every day with peace of mind.

When your skin starts to heal, you can reduce the frequency of applying the mask several times a week.

Does potato juice lighten skin?

It is one of the effective methods you can use to lighten your skin and whiten your skin with potato juice. Washing your face with potato juice and regularly applying potato juice is one of the best ways to lighten skin blemishes and skin. Since potato juice is a natural lightener, it brightens the darkened and darker skin color and cleans the skin.

Potato juice is good for the face and skin?

Potato juice has an antibacterial effect. It is good for the skin, cleanses the skin from dirt and oil. Regular application of potato juice to the face helps to eliminate skin problems and helps the skin to renew itself.

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Who uses potato juice for skin and face?

In the comments of those who use potato juice on their skin, they said that potato juice is good for acne, blackheads and skin spots. Potato juice users have said that it is effective in skin blemishes and gives results in a short time. Those who applied potato juice to their faces reported that their complexion was clear and white after 1 to 2 weeks of regular use.

Skin damage from potato juice

Potato juice, which has an antibacterial effect and has many benefits to the skin, almost does not harm the skin. If you do not have sensitive and allergic skin, you will not see side effects and damage.

Benefits of potato juice

Drinking 1 glass of potato juice a day has healing effects for many diseases. We can summarize the most important contributions of potato juice consumption to our health as follows:

  • It detoxifies, cleans our liver and body.
  • It relieves pain in waist, neck, back, joints and muscles with its analgesic and calming effect.
  • It accelerates and improves blood circulation.
  • It alleviates the complaints of gastrointestinal ailments such as heartburn, gastritis, reflux and ulcers.
  • Provides protection against cancer.
  • Monitor the health of the kidneys and prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract.
  • It is very good for sciatica and gout.
  • It lowers and balances cholesterol.
  • It allows you to lose weight if you drink it on an empty stomach before breakfast.

How to drink potato juice?

You can get potato juice from raw potatoes. You can add some honey or carrot juice to the potato juice as it tastes slightly bitter; This way, you can sweeten your drink.

In this article, we try to inform you briefly about the benefits of potato juice.

By choosing one of the potato juice masks best suited to your skin type, you can achieve a brighter, well-groomed, beautiful and younger looking skin in a short time; You can quickly drink the normal raw potato juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

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