
1 Millimeter Rule Implemented for COVID-19 in Edirne

According to the information conveyed by Edirne Deputy Governor Ali Uysal, a disinfection application called the 1 millimeter rule was implemented in Edirne, one of the provinces with the highest increase in cases, in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

Last night, right after the Coronavirus Scientific Committee meeting, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, who met the press members, said that the “COVID-19 Daily Coronavirus Table” will be switched to an open test policy. while expressing; in some provinces a very serious increase in the rate of case increase He stated that it was happening.

One of the provinces that Minister Koca stated that there is a big increase in the number of cases EdirneAs of today, new measures have been implemented in order to slow the transmission rate of the epidemic. Edirne Deputy Governor Ali Uysal stated that they attach much more importance to these areas in the fight against corona virus because citizens have to use the marketplaces and transportation vehicles, and in this context, with the instruction of Governor Ekrem Canalp. They scored a first in Turkey stated.

According to the said application, hand-held small spraying pumps are now distributed to all commercial taxis and other transportation vehicles in Edirne and unlimited disinfectant is provided to passengers. Also, according to the statement of Uysal The “1 millimeter rule” Every time a customer lands in the new application called The disinfection process is carried out in vehicles with no gaps of even 1 millimeter.

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Of Edirne people He is very conscious of the fight against COVID-19 However, the deputy governor stated that the risk of transmission of the virus has increased not only in Edirne but throughout the country. Uysal underlined that the most important factor in combating the virus is spraying, control and control.

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