
Xbox Series S Ray Tracing Performance Tested

Ray tracing technology, one of the biggest developments in the game world of recent years, was tested with Watch Dogs: Legion on Xbox Series S. It was stated that the console, which has lower hardware features than the Series X, gave very impressive results.

Ubisoft, the new game in the Watch Dogs series late last month Watch Dogs: Legionreleased for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It was also announced that the game would come to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / Series S consoles.

Of course, the game, which is based on London as a map, has a very obvious difference in the current generation and next generation consoles: ray tracing technology. Moreover, there are places where the use of this technology in the game can be shown very well. The Verge’s Tom Warren himself tested how the game’s ray tracing technology looked on the Xbox Series S.

Ray tracing technology on Xbox Series S

According to Tom Warren, it is one of the points where ray tracing technology can be shown most clearly in the game. Piccadilly Circus. At this point of the map, there are large screens, puddles that can reflect, and neon signs. In other words, it is one of the areas where the ray tracing technology of the night time can be seen very clearly.

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Author of The Verge, with a $ 299 price tag Xbox Series SHe says that although it runs at 1080p 30 FPS, it does a pretty good job. Although the render of the game is not 4K on the Series S, the console is increasing the image quality from 1080p to 4K. Warren also said that OLED TV, on which he played the game, had an impact on the impressive results.


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The author uses the ray tracing technology in addition to the Xbox Series S with higher specifications Xbox Series X and Intel Core i9-10900K processor, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 He says he also tested it on PC with video card. Warren states that thanks to these hardware, the highest result was achieved on the PC, but the Series X also gave results very close to the PC.

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