
What is Personal Finance? How to Make a Personal Finance Plan?

When you start a job and start getting a salary, you start to understand how hard your family gave you money. You have no money-related responsibilities or obligations while living under the roof of your family. But after you reach a certain age, you will have to deal with them. So instead of buying something irresponsible or spending your money as you wish, you start to spend time making income – expense tables. The art of using money, which we call personal finance, also comes across here.

The systematic way you take to ensure that your expenses are less than your income by regulating your expenses and earnings is called personal finance. The changes you make at this point constitute the personal finance plan. You can also think of it as a simple accounting system where you calculate your own income and expenses. Moreover, in this way, you can make your future plans based on more solid foundations. At the same time, the bills waiting to be paid do not disturb you and you do not sweat because of your credit card debts.

How to Use Money Correctly?

Income and expense tables are the basis of personal finance. While creating this table, you meet the triangle of saving, saving and investing. If you take care of these issues from the moment you start earning money, you can take good steps at a young age and increase your possibility of owning your dream house and car. Likewise, you can be the boss of your own business and live an orderly, peaceful life. Here, we have shared with you what you can do and what you need to know about these issues.

What is Personal Finance?

What is Personal Finance?Your monthly income forms your personal finance. In other words, the money you receive regularly is your financial resource. You should evaluate this correctly among your expenses. That is the way your personal finance is right; your expenses are less than your income is a system. Its management and planning is important. What I would like to say; You need to make an accounting according to your own income and expenses. If you can balance your income and expenses and even have money that you can save on, it means you are accounting your personal finance correctly. Actually, if I say that you have to do this, I think I would not be too cruel.

Because remember, today also özgü tomorrow. And we are the children of assured ancestors. Think; Isn’t the mother or father of almost all of us guaranteeing? Don’t they always have savings for bad times on the sidelines? This is what we have to do too. For the future now is operational and thinking about the bad days there is benefit. You can do this with the right personal finance planning. So let’s see how a personal finance plan is made.

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How to Make a Personal Finance Plan?

How to Make a Personal Finance Plan?Sentences such as I cannot make the end of the month, I cannot afford it, and how long do I have to hisse day are not unfamiliar to you? Because in general, the sentences made by consumers are like this. Especially your salary plan These words are inevitable for consumers who are far from making. If you are one of them, I suggest you read my post carefully. Because it is completely in your hands to make these sentences or to bring the end of the month comfortably.

if manage your personal finance If you do it correctly, stop getting rid of these sentences, you can even save money. I have friends who manage corporate finance but don’t have a gram of money in their own budget. How irony is it that a man who manages a million dollars cannot manage his own budget? I do not understand why personal financial management, which is not so difficult, seems like an ordeal to people. Anyway let me say a few Tricks You can easily manage your personal finance with. The important thing here is to prepare yourself for this first. So whatever the requirement, you need to do it regularly.

You have to be planned for the future today. This is the 2 + 2 = 4 unchanging rule. Maybe you are too messy, you do not like to live planned, or you do whatever you want. Of course, you might like these. I have no words. But today, if you do not get into order, you have looked ahead, not even too far away, crushed under debt you remained. You hisse debt even in your retirement with serious unplanned, let alone relax. So it is time to change your habit, even if you are unplanned and unplanned. If you feel ready for planning, let’s see what steps you need to take at this stage.

Control Your Budget

The first situation that matters here is your income. You should determine clearly how much money you earn on a monthly or weekly basis, how much it is in your pocket. But this money comes and this money is not income. What is the monthly net you have to identify it and let go of the possibilities. Then you have to handle your regular expenses. Your monthly net expense pen pencil like accountant you must write. But you shouldn’t miss being honest with yourself while doing this. In this way, you take your first step to create your income and expense balance.

Know and Evaluate Your Debts

When evaluating your debts, write them down clearly. You should not forget the terms of these while making your evaluations. You should evaluate your loan debts, monthly bills, credit card payments. When evaluating them disclaimer you must know what you can do. This place may seem a little silly to you, but this is what I want to say: Decrease in your bills You should evaluate the options you can make to reduce your unnecessary credit card expenses. You should know your needs and spend accordingly.


Review Your Shopping

You should review your monthly purchases. Although the passion for shopping is a term for women, be sure, men also depend on shopping as much. So first of all should determine your basic needs and you should allocate a budget for them. Your needs arranged in order of priority and you should definitely not go beyond this monthly budget. Make sure you rank your importance honestly, the bottom of the list is your irresponsible purchases. So it can happen even if you don’t have these. They are not needs that will trouble you. That’s why it’s important to take control of your purchases and not go beyond that by setting a budget for them.

Reassess Your Pleasures

If I say give up your tastes, don’t do it, don’t have hobbies now, of course, I will cool you from life. Of course I will not say such things. The best part of life is pleasures and hobbies. The point I want to say here is to put some restrictions instead of giving up your hobbies. So if you go to the movies twice a week, you can cut it to once a week and spend a day watching movies at home. Or you may be meeting with your friends twice a week, having a meal or drinking coffee. You can reduce this to once a week and spend another day at home by eating or drinking coffee. In short, you can enjoy your activities and entertainment by spending money outside. in more convenient ways at home you can realize. You should set a budget for your tastes and entertainment and not go beyond it. In this way, you will not only reduce your expenses and give up your pleasures.

Look for Areas Where You Can Save

There are so many points that can be saved, believe me it is very easy to do. If you can start with your bills. You can restrict unnecessary expenses in your bills such as electricity, water and natural gas. About these by making conscious consumptionyou will see how your high bills drop. Or you can leave your indulgence a little more. So instead of using your own vehicle on your way to work, you can use public transportation. Likewise, you can save on your kitchen expenses. This savings is entirely up to you and you should arrange according to yourself.

What Should Be Considered When Making a Personal Finance Plan?

What Should Be Considered When Making a Personal Finance Plan?There are some situations in which you should not forget your financial plan while doing your accounting. If you do what I mentioned above, you can see that your expenses decrease and there is more money from your income. Well, do you think these money should be turned into expenses every month? Of course not, even if you think of such a thing, wipe it off your mind immediately. Remember today özgü tomorrow I stated.

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Tonton Remember You Will Be A Grandfather and Grandma

Please you will retire Remember the time. If you want to live a more comfortable life in your retirement, you should think about it today. You should know that you will have plenty of time to spend money at that time and therefore invest in your retirement today. In other words, I am telling you here what you should do in the question of whether you will convert your money from your income into expense. For your retirement Set a monthly figure and set aside each month start. Be careful not to touch this money either. I’m sorry I don’t mean to touch it in your very difficult time. Condition yourself in this matter and don’t touch this money.

How Should Correct Use of Credit Cards Be?

Remember You May Have Emergency Situations

Instead of hitting retirement money, set aside a budget for your tough times. Condition yourself in this matter too and set the edge regularly every month. Thus, in case of any sorun you may encounter, this money is ready to be used for you. With this logic too do not fall under high debt and you can easily sustain yourself. So among your plans hard time Open another pencil and add some amount according to your situation.

Don’t Seek To Finish Your Salary In A Snap

Actually, this is our biggest sorun. Salary lays and you You immediately go shopping, eating. Be sincere to yourself, aren’t we all doing this? This is a very wrong thought. Firstly allocate budgets for your plans on your salary. Then divide your remaining money by the weekly or daily spending amount and spend that way. In this way, you will not be hungry until the end of the month and you will bring the end of the month comfortably.

Make Your Personal Finance Plan Regular

I’ve listed the many options you can make in your financial plan. If you want to organize yourself and your life without thinking about the end of the month, it is useful to listen to what I have said. The issue I want to emphasize here is this not making your plan for a month. By taking a certain time every month Create your income-expense balance and plan your monthly spending is necessary. If you discipline yourself in this regard, both your mind, your moon and your future will be comfortable.

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