Credit rating; It is the clearest proof of our relationship with banks. If you are loyal to your debt and hisse day by day, your grade will directly increase. but unstable debt Credit ratings of individuals are lowered and an obstacle begins to occur for the next transactions. For example, if your credit rating özgü dropped due to various non-payment reasons, you probably won’t get approval when you need a loan.
How to Get a Credit Card? What are the terms?
Today, the number of people who do not use credit cards is almost nonexistent. but number of people who use it correctly is also quite low. Especially those who are unsuccessful in using credit cards lose their grades and these situations are encountered in applications such as credit cards. As, we will share all the details you need to know about this grading system, which emerged in the name of being a conscious consumption society.
What is a Bank Credit Rating?
When viewed by banks, credit rating is not the only tool that evaluates customers. But it is a very important distinction when it comes to providing information about the customer. Individual or commercial customers, in all financial institutions, based on the financial assets and transactions under their names, based on the numerical data obtained as a result of the applications credit rating called.
Banks make evaluations based on these data and credit responds to your requests. For people with low credit ratings, different methods are used for solution purposes and options such as collateral, mortgage, surety, pledge are reviewed. These situations are not necessary for customers with high credit scores. For this reason, if you want to meet your needs through banks, you should hisse attention to this note and be careful in your transactions in banks.
Based on What and How is Credit Rating Calculated?
In banking activities, the credit rating is the person’s report card. Various variants are used in calculating this grade. While performing the calculations, the first point to be examined is the customer’s is the risk. The amount, usage rate and payment order of your credit cards with banks are important. If there are problems such as delay in your payments or inability to hisse the entire debt, the credit rating will be negatively affected. Value of credit cards in the note Is 30%.
If you have an account in banks, the amount of money in it and your debts related to this account also affect the change of credit rating. The value of this variant is also 25%. Likewise, the credits you have used before, their amounts and payment scheme are also included in your report card. This order of your past credits also covers a 20% slice. The answer to your loan requests to banks and the intensity of your use takes up 15%. The reasons that differ in each customer are under the other group and have a value of 10%.
By evaluating all these, 100% is created and the customer’s credit rating is revealed. The credit rating is the score determined on a scale of 0 to 1900. The same evaluations are made for each customer and may differ depending on the situation. There are 5 groups in this scale. Within these groups the most risky are customers between 0 – 699. The medium risk group is between 700 and 1099. The low risk group is located at the level of 1100 – 1499. The section that we can describe as good is between 1500 – 1699. Those who have a note between 1700 and 1900 very good seen as. Credit points, which are generally in this order, can vary from bank to bank.
In the credit evaluation departments of banks, automatic loan requests are generally rejected for customers with the most risky and medium risk groups. Different evaluations are made for other groups. The customer group that banks like most and makes use of loans easily is the very good segment. Determination of credit rating in our country KKB (Credit Registration Office) maintained by.
Why Is Credit Rating Important?
Do you need money? Will you buy a house or a car? Or will you hisse off your various debts? Either way, after all, you only think of one place and you find yourself there. So you have already taken to the banks to use credit. He enters the bank door and individual customer service You sit at the desk of the bank officer who gave it. You say you want to use credit and the amount according to your needs. The answer you will get is “Let’s first look at your credit rating”.
Which monetary product you want to use in banks, you will definitely hear it between words. Credit rating, It can also be defined as the rating of your relationship with banks. If a bank özgü added you to the list of risky customers, there is a possibility that it will not give you the loan you want. You wouldn’t want to encounter this situation, would you? For this reason, it is important to know your credit rating and to take steps to increase it if it is low.
All in commercial and retail banking transactions credit rating appears before you. Low grade holders are at risk in this respect, both because of the work they want to do and the needs they have to meet. As one of the options that facilitates the use of credit, your grade is important in terms of your relationship with banks.
Scoring system; It is performed in 5 groups as very good, good, low risk, medium risk and high risk. While very good and good grades are evaluated positively by the banks, the possibility of getting a positive answer increases in case of loan usage. There is a possibility of negative results in the high and medium risk group. However, banks can also respond positively by making a decision specifically for their customers. Nevertheless, having a high credit score is an important criterion for your needs you will encounter in unexpected situations.
What to Do to Improve the Credit Rating?
Your credit rating is determined once and there is no application that it is used continuously. This note depends on your activities. If your grade is low, you can do something to increase it. This is not an immediate situation, but your upgrade is important for the convenience of meeting your future needs.
Reduce Your Debt
We have said that your credit rating is affected by your debts. If you have a debt of 10,000 TL and you can hisse 7,000 TL of it, 30% of it will remain open. This means that you have to reduce your debt by 30%. By closing your 3,000 lira debt, your limit If you decrease it, your credit rating will increase.
Structure Your Debts
Your payments regular and planned Doing and not leaving it to delay will increase your credit rating. But if you have a lot of debt and have trouble paying them, be sure to configure it. It is also important to plan this correctly while configuring. Do not be faced with further lowering on this road you entered to increase your grade. Configuration You need to make your plan affordably and hisse regularly.
Hisse Your Loans Properly
You hisse your loans in banks properly, to your report card will reflect positively. If you have problems with your payments and cannot hisse on time, have them reorganized. It is useful to configure it according to your own budget by methods such as maturity extension, reduction of the installment payment amount. After this adjustment, it is important to make your payments regularly and on time.
Increase Your Limits
Increasing your limits with banks will also have a positive effect on your credit rating. Limit increase This situation, which is positively reflected in your scorecard after making the request, will also have a positive effect on your credit rating. But you need to be careful, if you can use it after increasing your limits and if you cannot hisse regularly, it will be a negative. You can lower your credit rating when you say I will increase it.
Duplicate Your Transactions Through Banks
The more transactions you do on banks, the more you will ensure your name is mentioned. For this too EFT / Money Aktarma, automatic payment orders, deposit account options, deposits and savings, you need to perform transactions on banks. Web banking With your transactions, you can easily make positive contributions to your credit rating.
Combining All Your Debts In One Loan
Having a lot of debt can make it difficult for you to control. Remember, you can make your payments properly and on time by combining your debts on a single loan in case of failure to follow up. Every regular and timely payment you make in banks earns you plus points. In this case, it is important to regulate your debts.
Do Not Cancel Your Credit Cards
if credit card If you are unsuccessful in using it, you may enter into the thought of closing your debt and canceling it. If you want to be informed about the correct loan usage, let’s take you here. However, this will affect your grade negatively. Instead, it would be more appropriate to make your budget planning correctly, to set a limit that you can hisse your entire debt as a result of its use and reduce it to that level. In this way, you will maintain your relations with banks and your credit rating. surplus value you add.
What Should I Hisse Attention To When Using Credit?
To sum up; Your credit rating or score özgü an important place in your banking transactions. You need to keep good relations with the banks you knock on for your instant needs and be one of the customers they love. For this reason, you should manage your budget planning, payments and usage well. Raise credit You may not get immediate results from your actions.
It may take 1 to 3 months to get results from your banking transactions performed in a certain order, but it may take up to 6 months. The measures you will take to prevent your credit rating from falling or the options you will implement to increase it can be viewed at almost the same level in all banks. This KKB to all banks information providing function takes place with. If you have regularized your payments and raised your credit rating, you will have corrected your relationship with banks and made available their resources.