
Three TikTok Phenomena Win Their Case Against Ban

TikTok, which does not get rid of trouble in the USA, will continue to stay in the country. As a result of the lawsuit filed by three TikTok content producers, the decision to ban TikTok in the USA was blocked.

The waters between the Chinese short video sharing application TikTok and the USA do not settle. The U.S. Department of Commerce issued a presidential order to block TikTok transactions after a federal judge’s suspension order. that they will actively defend expressed.

So what pitted the Department of Commerce and a federal judge against each other? US District Judge Wendy Beetlestone blocked the Department of Commerce’s decision to ban TikTok in the country, with a decision she made on Friday. Ministry of Commerce, TikTok on November 12 It will prevent it from operating in the USA There was a decision.

TikTok continues to stay in the USA

The Ministry of Commerce said in a statement Sunday that it will comply with the court order, but is determined to actively defend the presidential order. Judge Beetlestone said in a statement to the ministry that TikTok does not prohibit data hosting, content delivery services or other technical operations related to the application in the United States. made warnings.

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As you know, US President Donald Trump claimed that TikTok shared US users’ data with the Chinese government, but TikTok denied these allegations. TikTok had to transfer its US operations to a US company in order to continue its operations in the US. Currently with TikTok Oracle and Walmart Inc. of agreement between to the end There are rumors about it.


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Beetlestone in the court hearing on Friday, “The government’s definition of TikTok application as a national threat hypothetically voiced “ told. In addition, attempts were made to block TikTok from the App Store and Google Play Store. Three TikTok content producers In this case, the decision of Beetlestone prevented the removal of the application from the app stores.

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