
Tenet’s Box Office Revenue Exceeds $ 300 Million Worldwide

Tenet, Christopher Nolan’s recently released movie, reached $ 300 million worldwide at the box office. The film earned $ 45.1 million in revenue in the USA, and $ 262 million in markets excluding the USA.

One of the first films to be released after the closure of cinemas due to the coronavirus epidemic is Christopher Nolan’s Tenet. The production, which earned 20.2 million dollars in revenue in the USA in its first week, was released in 2006 by ‘crashing’ at the box office. The From Prestige It had been the lowest opening movie since Nolan.

The production, which entered its fifth week at the box office, has been $ 45.1 million managed to generate revenue. The film, by Nolan, which generated only $ 2.7 million in revenue from ticket sales in the country this weekend, saw a 21% drop in revenue compared to the previous week.

Tenet left behind $ 300 million worldwide:

On the other hand, the film, which was released in 58 markets when we went outside the USA, 300 million dollar left behind. In markets except the USA $ 262 million The production, which succeeded in earning revenue, has reached a worldwide total of 45.1 million dollars with the addition of revenues from the USA. $ 307.1 million earned income.

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At this point ChinaIs the highest grossing market for Tenet, with $ 65.5 million in box office revenue. With $ 20.9 million after China, not counting USA / Canada Unified KingdomWith $ 20 million FranceWith $ 16.1 million Germany and $ 15.9 million Japan is coming.


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Other notable productions at the box office include Walt Disney Studios’ non-US release Mulan include the movie. The film, which was released in Chinese theaters on September 11, increased its total revenues across the country to $ 40 million after the opening of $ 23 million. The film’s worldwide revenue is 66.8 million dollars level.

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