
Teeth and Nail Detail in Cyberpunk 2077 Personalization Screen

Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt RED’s game, which will be released next month, seems to have paid much attention to the personalization screen. You will be able to shape your character in great detail in the game. Even teeth and nails can be customized.

Cyberpunk 2077Was by far the most anticipated game in 2020. Normally, it will be released much earlier, but the game that still cannot be released due to the delay decisions may be the most detailed game we have seen since GTA 5. This increases our expectations for the game. According to the latest information, Cyberpunk 2077 is a highly detailed character customization will have the system.

You will be able to choose your tooth color in Cyberpunk 2077

The customization screen, which has many features such as your skin tone, eye color, shape of your nose, chin straightness, hair and beard shape, and length, will also appear with details that we haven’t seen in games before. In the post of Cyberpunk 2077’s Germany Facebook page; from the length of your nails to your tooth style It has been announced that there will be an extremely detailed character customization screen. “Freedom is important to us not only in the game, but also in shaping your character ” CD Projekt RED seems to have thought about too many details in the game.

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One CD Projekt RED the rep, the actors actually use the color of their teeth, the length and color of their nails, even nail polish patterns confirmed that he could also change it. Also on the character customization screen that they don’t explain all the options, some of the players surprise He said they wanted it to happen.


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When will Cyberpunk 2077 be released?

Cyberpunk 2077, the highly anticipated game of CD Projekt RED, recently received a new delay. With this update, the game’s release date is from November 19th. December 10‘a was postponed. Explaining that this postponement is now “the end”, the company will bring Cyberpunk 2077 to its fans in less than 1 month, if nothing goes wrong. So what do you think of Cyberpunk 2077? Do you think the game will give what is expected? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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