
Show TV’s Phenomenon Series ‘Collision’ Was Defendant

A lawsuit was filed against Collision, one of the popular TV series last year. Selçuk Olcay, a retired police officer, demanded financial and moral compensation, saying that there are very serious similarities between the series “Adalet Melekleri” and the collision, which he wrote years ago.

Kivanc Tatlitug and Envoy Sang takes place as Turkey’s popular players Collision A lawsuit was filed for the television series named. The retired police officer Selçuk Olcay, who opened the case, claimed that the script of the series called Collision was his own, and he is from Ay Sanat Prodüksiyon ve Yapım Anonim Şirketi, which produced the series. material and moral compensation He made the request.

Selçuk Olcay is a name you may have heard before. claiming that reflect the reality of crime series and movies in Turkey “Angels of JusticeHere is the main reason that led to the lawsuit of the series called Collision, Justice Angels. that you have similarities thinks.

Retired police Olcay, Istanbul Intellectual and Industrial Rights Law CourtIn his petition to, he stated that he wanted 50 thousand TL for material compensation and 50 thousand TL for moral compensation for now. In the petition filed to the court, “In order to be increased according to the calculation to be made during the trial, we reserve the right to claim and litigate for the surplus, and request for the amount of compensation to be awarded for the amount of 50 thousand TL pecuniary and 50 thousand TL non-pecuniary damages for now and to apply commercial advance interest from the date of the commencement of tort and infringement.“Statements were included.


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“The main characters who are police have a very similar background.”

In the petition filed to the court, the main character of the TV series Adalet Melekleri Selcuk Tunaliafter growing up in an orphanage, lost his wife and child in a terrorist attack, Kadir AdaliIt is stated that the same things are experienced. Olcay also emphasizes that the villains in both series are leaders of a criminal organization and have common characteristics.


Retired cop is not just a character in the series, plots He states that there are similarities between them. Adding this issue to his petition, Olcay used the following statements:

Making changes in the scenario that does not affect the whole and turning points will not eliminate infringement against the rights of the work. The defendant company stated in the notice that there were no similar characters in the series script. A script does not necessarily have to contain the original dialogue. Even if it does not include dialogues or broad descriptions, any article that gives information about the general lines of the series or film will be considered as a script.

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