
Linkin Park Made Legend Clips in HD Resolution

Linkin Park, which has a great place for fans of music genres such as Alternative Rock and Nu Metal, has produced HD resolution special music videos for the 20th anniversary of the album Hybrid Theory. Legendary music videos have become even more legendary with HD images.

Committed suicide in July 2017 Chester Bennington This month is very important for Linkin Park, which has been a part of and managed to grow a generation. The group, which it launched in 2000 and which enabled the group to open up to the world, Hybrid Theory approaching the 20th anniversary of his album.

The album Hybrid Theory, released in 2000, provided many of us with a great time in its time, and it still does. When he came out, he suddenly increased the interest in the group to unexpected levels and With 27 million sales figures Hybrid Theory, the best-selling debut album in the rock genre of the 21st century, starting today HD images owned.

Linkin Park made the legend clips in HD resolution:

Hybrid Theory, which hosts iconic clips as well as songs, Special for the 20th year started broadcasting in full HD resolution. Thus, there is In The End, which has been streamed more than 1 billion times on YouTube alone. all music videos in the album has become better quality.

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Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory album, Papercut, One Step Closer, With You, Crawling and In The End It hosts a total of 12 classic pieces such as. To watch the band’s music videos legendary with songs, just go to YouTube and open the song.

The band, special to the 20th anniversary of the album, includes demo tracks that no one has heard before. An album of 80 tracks also published. In addition, the group also bought a 20th anniversary box named ’20th Anniversary Edition Super Deluxe Box Set’. From $ 200 put it on sale. The box includes an album with photos of the group, including never-before-seen photos, behind-the-scenes images and more.

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