
Jupiter and Saturn will “be united” for the first time after the Middle Ages

This year, on December 21, an event will occur that has not happened in hundreds of years: Jupiter and Saturn will appear as binary planets. This conjunction can be observed from all over the world.

This year, December 21st will not only be the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. The gas giant Jupiter and Saturn will approach each other in the earth’s sky at the sunset of December 21 and appear like a double planet. The more interesting aspect of this event is For the first time after the Middle Ages to be lived.

The alignment of these two planets is extremely rare, said Patrick Hartigan, an astronomer at Rice University. Also of the event Happens every 20 years Hartigan stated that this reunion, which will be experienced on December 21, is due to the proximity of the planets to each other. it is seen much rarer expressed.

It was last on March 4, 1226.

Hartigan for a closer alignment between these two planets in the night sky To March 4, 1226 he says that he should go. These two gas giants in the Solar System have continued to approach each other since the summer months.

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Hartigan says the following about this conjunction: “On the evening of December 21, the two planets are at a distance of one-fifth of the diameter of the full moon, it will look like a double planet. Most people using telescopes will be able to see the two planets and several of their largest moons in the same field of view. “

Although the best point to observe this conjunction is near the equator, it can be observed from anywhere on Earth. However, according to Hartigan, the farther north the observers are, the more they need to be able to see the planets before disappearing on the horizon. they will have little time.


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So when will the combination of these two gas giants happen once again? Professor Hartigan says that Jupiter and Saturn are once again so close and high March 15, 2080 He stated that such a merger will not occur until 2400 from now on. So, astronomy enthusiasts should prepare their telescopes now.

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