
Huami Announces New Smart Watch Amazfit Pop

Huami announced its new budget-friendly smartphone Amazfit Pop. The smart watch, which has a rectangular screen of 1.43 inches, seems to meet the expectations to a great extent. The affordable price of Amazfit Pop, which will be released on November 1, will impress Chinese consumers.

Huami, a new smartwatch at an event in China Amazfit Popannounced. Amazfit Pop, which is a budget-friendly smart watch, 1.43 inch It has a large TFT screen. The watch, which has a pixel density of 305 ppi, comes with a special coating that does not leave fingerprints.

Amazfit Pop can be used on both iOS and Android devices thanks to its Bluetooth 5 support. The watch with NFC support 5 ATM Its resistance to water pressure enables the watch to be used up to 50 meters without any problems. In addition, this smart watch has a polycarbonate body and silicone straps.

Introducing Amazfit Pop

Among the remarkable features of Amazfit Pop is the ability to track 60 different sports activities. Also these smart watches heart ratethings like blood oxygen levels and sleep tracking can be done. According to the authorities, the 225 mAh battery of this smart watch is 9 days use offers the possibility. It is stated that it takes 2 hours to fully charge the smart watch.


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Other features of the smart watch include displaying notifications, setting alarm and reminders, camera and music apps. control There are features such as many smart watches. Although the exact number has not been announced, the smart watch with 10 different screen faces, 31 grams It seems to offer a comfortable experience to the users with its weight.

Huami Amazfit Pop

According to the statements made by Huami, Amazfit Pop can be purchased as part of pre-order as of now. A single dial size and 3 different color options It is stated that the deliveries of this smart watch will start as of November 1. Chinese consumers are $ 45 (approx. 350 TRY + taxes). After November 1, this price will reach $ 52 (approx. 410 TRY + taxes) will increase.

Source : news

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