
Google Released October Security Patch for Android

Google has released an update to close two major vulnerabilities threatening Android devices. Thus, Android System components were made more secure.

Google, Android continues to work to keep the operating system safe. The latest update published for this purpose also ensured that security gaps were closed. System components risk is eliminated.

In general, with the security update in October, 50 vulnerabilities were eliminated. Qualcomm so Android It did not patch vulnerabilities caused by 22 CVEs used in devices. Thus, high-level security problems were solved.

Upgrade issue solved

Authorization upgrade or privilege escalation issues stood out as one of the most serious vulnerabilities in the system. Two vulnerabilities that cause the system to be vulnerable to remote attacks CVE-2020-0215 and CVE-2020-0416 were also closed during this period. The vulnerabilities have been closed in Android 8.0, 8.1, 9, 10 and 11 versions.

In addition, high-level data protection gap within the system CVE20200377CVE-2020-0378, CVE-2020-0398, CVE-2020-0400, CVE-2020-0410, CVE-2020-0413, CVE20200415 and CVE-2020-0422 vulnerabilities have also been fixed.


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In addition to these, Google is used in system operation and especially API development It also made improvements in some points that made it very easy. Authorization enhancement gaps have also been fixed in this section. so unwanted access to data has become preventable. In addition, system operating environment problems have been fixed.

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Third-party parts issues are resolved



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GoogleWith the October update, it eliminated the security problems caused by parts from some third party companies used in the Android ecosystem. Shown as closed source components Qualcomm from processors 22 critical problem Problems with MediaTek components while extracting were also resolved.

In general, Android device manufacturers From Google updates We saw that he made his own updates after a short while. Android devices that have experienced significant problems in the past months seem to become more stable and more secure after this update.

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