
First Information From Netflix’s New Movie Sherlock Junior

The first information came from Sherlock Junior, Netflix’s new Sherlock Holmes project, which will be launched in the upcoming periods. According to reports, experienced names Ehren Kruger and Matt Kuzma will be on the screenplay side of the film.

Finally, about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ sister Enola Holmes Netflix, the US-based media giant that released the movie, will apparently add a new Sherlock Holmes project. According to new information, the company Sherlock Junior ‘ He’s working on another Netflix Original movie called.

It is not known who will direct the movie or which actors will be involved, but the two authors His name was shared. The first of these names is the American screenwriter who is also a producer. Ehren Kruger it will be. Author, Disney’s recent remake Dumbo version, Ring, Transformers: Age of Extinction and Scream 3 He took part in the script part of many popular movies like.

The second name that will appear on the script side is the one who previously worked at Sony Picture Entertainment. Matt Kuzma It is said to be.

What will be the subject of Sherlock Junior?

The project has already been on Netflix’s agenda for some time, according to Whats’s on Netflix, and the first steps were taken with the authors found. One of the most iconic detectives in literary history in the film Sherlock Holmes his friend who helped Sherlock while solving cases with Dr. Watson we will see their younger versions.

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According to the information in the shared report, Sherlock JuniorReunites with John Watson to unravel the mystery behind a strange disappearance and the witch curse in their town, and the two embark on new adventures. What is known about the film is limited for now, but Netflix is ​​said to be hopeful about the project.


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Netflix, which received full marks from both critics and viewers with its recently released Enola Holmes movie, also tells the story of a gang of orphans who helped Sherlock solve crimes in London. The Irregulars working on. The series is expected to meet the audience on Netflix screens next year.

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