
Discounts up to 95% Started on the Game Platform Playstore

Playstore, the digital game platform owned by Türk Telekom, launched a campaign that will continue until the end of the year. In this campaign, which also includes games from important publishers of the sector, the world’s most popular games can be owned with discounts of 95 percent.

Digital game platform financed by Türk Telekom Playstorelaunched a new game campaign that will make gamers smile. The campaign, which starts as of today and will continue until the end of 2020, will allow you to own the games of the industry’s leading publishers with discounts of up to 95 percent. Moreover, within the scope of this campaign Installments up to 12 months There is also the possibility.

Before moving on to the games that will be offered at a discount within the scope of the campaign, we need to state that; all games are 95 percent off not. The Playstore team offers discounts for games at different rates. However, the discounts made despite this, will meet the expectations of the players of the kind.

Some of the games in Playstore’s campaign that will continue until the end of the year are as follows:

Among the games that PlayStore will offer at a discount are Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, ParadoxThere are productions by popular publishers such as Gearbox, Konami, Bethesda and 2K Games. Recently, the game market has been on the rise It will come like medicine Some discounts in the campaign are as follows:

  • FIFA 21 – instead of 419 TL 248 TRY
  • Doom Eternal – Instead of 199 TL 59 TRY
  • NBA 2K21 – instead of 419 TL 189 TRY
  • NFS Heat – instead of 499 TL 148 TRY
  • eFootball PES 2021 – instead of 65 TL 36 TRY
  • Control Ultimate Edition – instead of 209 TL 89 TRY
  • Tropico 6 – instead of 99 TL 48 TRY
  • Watch Dogs 2 – instead of 198 TL 9 TL
  • The Crew 2 – instead of 198 TL 9 TL
  • Need for Speed ​​Payback – instead of 178 TL 9 TL
  • Need for Speed ​​The Run – instead of 89 TL 5 Turkish liras
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By the way Playstore is not just for computer PlayStation 4A platform where you can buy games for your. Also through the platform secure payment You can also have a smooth experience. If you want to benefit from this Playstore’s campaign that will last until the end of the year, you can access the campaign page by using the link here.


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Dikkat: Sitemiz herkese açık bir platform olduğundan, çox fazla kişi paylaşım yapmaktadır. Sitenizden izinsiz paylaşım yapılması durumunda iletişim bölümünden bildirmeniz yeterlidir.