
Beard and Mustache Warning in Coronavirus from Expert Name

Professor of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Department and COVID-19 Intensive Care Coordinator. Dr. Recep Tekin made statements against the coronavirus epidemic. He stated that a long beard and mustache increased the risk of coronavirus transmission.

For nearly a year, the world’s main agenda item, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic happened. A new explanation continues to come from experts almost every day on the subject.

Finally, lecturer of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Department and COVID-19 Intensive Care Coordinator Prof. Dr. Recep Tekin, beard and mustache in the coronavirus pandemic increases the risk of transmission stated. Beard and mustache cause gaps in the masks.

Beard and mustache reduces the effect of the mask

Prof. Dr. Recep Tekinexpected to increase again with the arrival of winter months coronavirus cases made statements about the correct use of masks for Tekin also addressed points that were not mentioned before in his explanations.

During the epidemic, your long beard and mustache to disadvantage Stating that the professor has transformed, “People who sneeze or cough sticking to a beard or mustache Since it is easier, it is easier to mess with the person and can pose even more risk“found in the description.


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Long beard and mustache Emphasizing that another disadvantage is that the use of masks reduces the effect, Tekin said.Since it creates gaps in the mask, the possibility of the virus to be transmitted or to pass is easier. That’s why we, especially healthcare professionals using a mask with a beard and mustache we do not recommend. We recommend the so-called clean shave. Especially in risky areas To make the mask more effective We recommend that their hair and beard be not too long or shortened as much as possible. Of course, we also recommend this to citizens. Beard and moustache Lush increases the leaks in the mask. That’s why we can forget our hair and beard for a while during the pandemic. This until the pandemic is over a short break we can give “ said.

The epidemic has affected shaving habits

beard mask


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Barbers, whose opinions were taken on the subject, normally Every 20-25 days He stated that his customers do not stop by much longer and they want to shave at home from time to time.

Especially when the pandemic first started, when the barbers were closed, many people to shave in their home he bought machines. Some barbers state that short hair and short beards are preferred during the pandemic period, and they prefer a ball beard to match masks.

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