
Apple Releases iPhone 12 Studio for MagSafe Cases

The color customization page has been opened for the MagSafe-enabled cases and wallets produced for Apple’s new smartphone series iPhone 12. On the page, you will be able to choose and purchase compatible covers according to the color of the phone.

A new folder accessible to Apple, iPhone and iPad devices. iPhone 12 Studio opened the page. The web page, which makes it possible to see more clearly how the color combinations of various MagSafe cases and wallets with phones and tablets will look like, allows you to choose whatever you want from iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro or iPhone 12 Pro models.

MagSafe cases and wallets The web page showing how the combinations are designed for mobile devices. To go to this page of Apple with the QR code link tool here you can click.

What does the MagSafe feature do

Apple’s MagSafe feature is a technology that allows you to charge the phone easily and wirelessly. MacbookThis technology, which is also included in the charging adapters of the s, allows charging with a magnet instead of connecting with a cable. Silicone cases and wallets with MagSafe, developed for iPhones and iPads, on the other hand, allow wireless charging of the phone with the MagSafe charger.

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iPhone 12 Studio While using this technology, the web page named allows you to look at both the color of your smartphone and the color of the case, allowing you to buy the most suitable apparatus for your style.

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